South Sudan
Slightly smaller than the U.S. state of Texas South Sudan is located in East Central Africa. The Republic of South Sudan is the world’s youngest nation.
1051 of approximately 2,0182 Catholic Sisters in South-Sudan have been served by ASEC programs.
≈11 million
Pictured Above: Lake Kazana and scenic beauty of Maridi area, South Sudan.
1Total participants served; some Sisters may have been served by more than 1 program.
22018 Statistical Yearbook of the Church, Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Recent News & Reflections
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- Going where the need is greatest, exemplifying hard work, and solving social issues: 5 things we can learn from ASEC sisters
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view all articles from South-Sudan »

Complete Country Report
Download the South Sudan Country Report (PDF) for statistics about students and alumnae of ASEC's programs.
The Republic of South Sudan, located in East Central Africa is the world’s youngest nation. The country gained independence on July 9th, 2011, in which the citizens overwhelmingly voted for total autonomy from Sudan.
Education opportunities and employment are extremely limited in South Sudan, especially for women.
There's been a 37% increase in the number of women religious in South Sudan from 2012 to 2021.
Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) in South Sudan
SLDI has been working in South Sudan since 2013.
ASEC has served 98 Catholic sisters from South Sudan through the SLDI program.
An SLDI training facility was established in 2016. Before that, sisters from South Sudan attended workshop sessions in Uganda and Kenya.
Political instability and conflict presents challenges in planning and delivering workshops in South Sudan. Travel within the country can be difficult and the safety of the sisters attending workshops is a concern. ASEC acknowledges the need for SLDI in South Sudan and will continue to serve the country despite challenges. In December 2016, Sr. Jane Wakahiu, outgoing ASEC Executive Director and Sr. Lina Wanjiku, ASEC East Africa Regional Director visited ASEC’s country office, SLDI workshop site and the Catholic University of South Sudan. Past Executive Director, Sr. Jane Wakahiu wrote an article for Global Sisters Report, describing her experience visiting South Sudan and reaffirming the need to support the sisters and individuals who are among the most vulnerable
SLDI Partners of South Sudan
- JY Auditors & Management Consultants (Hamza Inn Compound, Juba Main Market- South Sudan, South Sudan)
- Religious Superiors Association of South Sudan (RSASS) (Juba, South Sudan)
Recent SLDI Reporting
Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) in South Sudan
HESA has been working in South Sudan since 2013.
ASEC is supporting 73 Catholic sisters in South Sudan to study for degrees and diplomas through the HESA program.
HESA Partners of South Sudan
- The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) (Nairobi, Kenya)
- Catholic University of South Sudan (South Sudan)
- Religious Superiors Association of South Sudan (RSASS) (Juba, South Sudan)
3HESA total served is reported by the country of the institution where the sister is studying. Some sisters travel to a different country to attend specialized programs of study.