Situated on the equator on Africa's east coast, Kenya has been described as ''the cradle of humanity.'' It is twice the size of the U.S. state of Nevada.
16551 of approximately 8,0852 Catholic Sisters in Kenya have been served by ASEC programs.
≈56.40 million
≈$5.70 million
1Total participants served; some Sisters may have been served by more than 1 program.
22018 Statistical Yearbook of the Church, Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Recent News & Reflections
- Grateful Hearts: A Gift of Learning for African Sisters
- Empowered to Lead: ASEC-SLDI, the Catalyst for My Personal Growth
- ASEC my Enabler: From learner to leader
view all articles from Kenya »

Complete Country Report
Download the Kenya Country Report (PDF) for statistics about students and alumnae of ASEC's programs.
SLDIHESAScholarship ProgramService Learning
- There's been a 67.7% increase in the number of women religious in Kenya from 2012 to 2021.
Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) in Kenya
SLDI has been working in Kenya since 2007.
ASEC has served 767 Catholic sisters from Kenya through the SLDI program.
SLDI Partners of Kenya
Recent SLDI Reporting
Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) in Kenya
HESA has been working in Kenya since 2013.
ASEC is supporting 8843 Catholic sisters in Kenya to study for degrees and diplomas through the HESA program.
HESA Partners of Kenya
- Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK) (Kenya)
- Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute (Nairobi, Kenya)
- Tangaza University College (Nairobi, Kenya)
- The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) (Nairobi, Kenya)
3HESA total served is reported by the country of the institution where the sister is studying. Some sisters travel to a different country to attend specialized programs of study.
Recent HESA Reporting
The Scholarship Program in Kenya
The Scholarship Program has been active in Kenya since 2020.
In 2020, two doctoral sister-students in Kenya were selected for the pilot phase of ASEC's Ph.D. Scholarship Program.
4 women religious in Kenya have been able to attend school because of ASEC's Scholarship Program. Sisters are studying for their secondary education or two-year diploma.
Recent Scholarship Reporting
Service Learning in Kenya
ASEC has served 70 individuals through the Service Learning program in Kenya (includes students, mentors, site hosts).
June 2017: Students from Marywood University & Chestnut Hill College attended a 3-week service trip to Kenya. They provided service at various sites, including a refugee center, a hospital, a home for street boys and an orphanage for both physically and mentally disabled children
May 2018: Service learning participants traveled to Kenya, staying with the Little Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi (LSOSF), a missionary community, where they took part in service learning activities within the LSOSF compound and throughout Nairobi.