ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Left to right: Scholarship Orientation entertainment in Tanzania, Bigwa Secondary School graduation in Tanzania, first Scholarship graduates in Cameroon.

Scholarship 2024 Year in Review

2 months ago: [Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe] The ASEC Scholarship Program empowers Catholic Sisters across nine countries with access to education, enabling them to better serve their congregations and communities, with over 890 scholarships awarded since 2012.

Sr. Jackline Mwikali Mwongela, IBVM, leading the Talitha Kum Youth Ambassadors Training of Trainers Workshop in Dodoma, Tanzania.

Little Girl, I Say to You, Rise Up; Igniting Hope for Human Trafficking Survivors

2 months ago: [Kenya, Uganda, USA] Sr. Jackline Mwikali Mwongela, an alum of ASEC’s HESA program and Project Manager at Religious Against Human Trafficking (RAHT) in Kenya, has been empowering women and children to rise above human trafficking through prevention, protection, and partnerships, while offering hope to survivors through education and holistic support.

Madilyn Grose with children at Cottolengo Home for Orphaned children in Kenya.

Nothing is Impossible: ASEC Service Learning Reflections from Kenya

2 months ago: [Kenya, USA] Through ASEC’s Service Learning Trip, Madi's experience in Kenya helped bridge cultural gaps, teaching children about disability awareness while being profoundly impacted by their resilience and kindness.

Sr. Lucy motivates and encourages child exam candidates in their education milestones.

First SLDI Participant Impacts Thousands Annually in Kenya

7 months ago: [Kenya] Utilizing skills from her SLDI training, Sr. Lucy Kanjira Kirichia, RGS, a member of the first SLDI cohort in 2007, has expanded to serving over 1,600 individuals, demonstrating the profound impact of her dedication and the SLDI program on her community.

Sr. Elizabeth with a student at the Ruben Center.

Holistic Support for the Vulnerable in Kenya

10 months ago: [Kenya] Sr. Elizabeth Wambui Gichuki, DHM uses the skills learned in the SLDI program to help over 3,000 children, their parents, as well as others.

ASEC Executive Director Sr.Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG and Joyce, a 12-year-old Maasai girl, walk together on the coast of Tanzania along the Indian Ocean.

Perspectives- 2024 SLDI Partner Workshop in Tanzania

10 months ago: [Kenya, Tanzania] At just 12 years old a Maasai girl captivated participants at the 2024 SLDI Partner Workshop and represented the impact delivered by ASEC sisters

Sr. Given Chibesakunda, CSJB, Scholarship recipient in Zambia holds newborn twins.

Scholarship 2023 Year in Review

more than a year ago.: [Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania] Since 2012, ASEC’s Scholarship Program has enabled over 790 sisters in seven African countries to pursue secondary and higher education, empowering them to serve their communities more effectively.

ASEC nurtures multi-layered partnerships that further its mission in accordance with the gospel call to unity and solidarity. Recognizing the shared goal of furthering educational opportunities for women religious in Africa, ASEC works together with partners in the spirit of global sisterhood to support the personal and spiritual growth of sisters in Africa.

Partnerships Rooted in Collaboration

more than a year ago.: [Kenya, USA] Collaboration is central to ASEC's mission, exemplified by partnerships with educational institutions and national conferences of religious across ten African countries, all aimed at empowering Catholic sisters through education, as highlighted in the 2023 HESA Partners Conference.

HESA students top: Sr. Maureen Chepkemoi, SMI
Bottom left to right: Sr. Catherine Etyang, SMK and Sr. Irene Wawira Njeru, FMA, serving in Kenyan ministries.

Higher Education for Sisters in Africa 2023 Year in Review

more than a year ago.: [Ghana, Kenya, SouthSudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, USA] The Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program empowers Catholic sisters in Africa by providing access to post-secondary education, resulting in over 1,144 graduates across 24 partner institutions in 10 African countries and the U.S.

SLDI participants Top left: Sr. Teresa Mulenga, TS, with water project participants in Malawi
Top right: Basic Technology Workshop participants in Uganda
Bottom: Sr. Nancy Njari, RA, with students in Kenya

Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) 2023 Year in Review

more than a year ago.: [Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, USA] The Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) empowers Catholic sisters in 10 African countries by enhancing their leadership, technology, and financial skills, resulting in significant community impact.

Sr. Josephine Kwenga wins People's Choice Award for Project on Sustainable Human Development

Sr. Josephine Kwenga wins People's Choice Award for Project on Sustainable Human Development

more than a year ago.: [Kenya] On September 27, 2023 ASEC participant Sr. Josephine Muthoni Kwenga, SJT won a People's Choice Award for her Sustainable Agriculture Project in Kenya.

HESA Partners Conference takes place in Nairobi

HESA Partners Conference takes place in Nairobi

more than a year ago.: [Kenya] The 2023 HESA Partners Conference took place in Nairobi, Kenya from June 13-17th.

ASEC sister Sr. Honorine with pupils during cooking practicals in Cameroon

Going where the need is greatest, exemplifying hard work, and solving social issues: 5 things we can learn from ASEC sisters

more than a year ago.: [Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, SouthSudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia] “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5

ASEC Sisters teach children how to dance at St. Peter Clavery School in Mikumi, Tanzania

Dance in African Christianity and Culture as Explained by an ASEC Sister

more than a year ago.: [Kenya, Zambia, USA] After being with ASEC for a year, I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much about Catholic sisters, African culture, and some of the unique and beautiful traditions of Catholicism in Africa. One thing that I’ve noticed is the power of incorporating dance into graduations, mass and religious celebrations in Africa. I wanted to know more.

SLDI alumna Sr. Elizabeth Wambui in charge of the counseling services offered at the Reuben Center in Mukuru, Kenya.

ASEC Staff Visit Kenya for Convening, Graduation and Site Visits

more than a year ago.: [Kenya] ASEC Sr. Program Manager Dr. Rosemary Shaver and Finance Manager Betsy Hartshorn were grateful for the opportunity to visit Kenya and see first-hand how ASEC sisters are transforming their communities.

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