Situated in East-Central Africa, Uganda is home to the tallest mountain range in Africa-- the source that feeds the world’s longest river and the continent’s largest lake.
10541 of approximately 3,9962 Catholic Sisters in Uganda have been served by ASEC programs.
≈46 million
≈$7.88 million
Pictured Above: The source of the famous Nile River, Lake Victoria rests between three countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Lake Victoria covers an approximate 68,8002 kilometers (42,7502 miles)
1Total participants served; some Sisters may have been served by more than 1 program.
22018 Statistical Yearbook of the Church, Libreria Editrice Vaticana
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Complete Country Report
Download the Uganda Country Report (PDF) for statistics about students and alumnae of ASEC's programs.
There's been an 11.59% increase in the number of women religious in Uganda from 2012 to 2018.
ASEC works with congregations registered with the The Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU).Subscribe to our channel for more videos like this!
Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) in Uganda
SLDI has been working in Uganda since 2007.
ASEC has served 600 Catholic sisters from Uganda through the SLDI program.
SLDI Partners of Uganda
Recent SLDI Reporting
Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) in Uganda
HESA has been working in Uganda since 2013.
ASEC is supporting 4543 Catholic sisters in Uganda to study for degrees and diplomas through the HESA program.
HESA Partners of Uganda
- The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) (Nairobi, Kenya)
- Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) (Uganda)
- St. Francis Nsambya Hospital Training School (Uganda)
- Uganda Martyrs University (Uganda)
- University of Kisubi (Entebbe, Uganda)
3HESA total served is reported by the country of the institution where the sister is studying. Some sisters travel to a different country to attend specialized programs of study.