ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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ASEC will participate in Marywood University’s Virtual Research Day on Tuesday, April 20, 2021.

ASEC Participates in Marywood University's Virtual Research Day

Apr 13, 2021: [USA] Marywood's Virtual Research Day provides ASEC the opportunity to increase awareness of our mission among university students, faculty, staff and local community.

Sr. Lucy's arrival to the US was scheduled for August 2020 but has been delayed due to COVID-19. She is currently studying remotely with researchers at CARA to prepare for her fellowship.

7th Visiting Scholar Selected for CARA Research Fellowship

Apr 12, 2021: [Uganda, USA] Sr. Lucy Dora Akello, LSMIG, Uganda, selected for six month research fellowship with The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) Georgetown University.

Using the leadership, technology and finance training she gained through SLDI, Sr. Norah (left) she secured a grant to build the new Baringo Maternity Wing specifically to reduce and prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS.

Reducing the Spread and Stigma of HIV/AIDS in Kenya

Apr 12, 2021: [Kenya] Sr. Norah is saving lives by providing preventative care and support services that reduce the spread and stigma of HIV/AIDS in Kenya.

Catholic Sisters are implementing safety and protection measures for youth using the education and skills they gained through ASEC-sponsored programs. In Cameroon, SLDI alumna Sr. Ayumbi’s leadership skills were put to the test when she spearheaded a team that liberated 20 kidnapped children.

Catholic Sisters Create a Safer World by Protecting Africa’s Children

Apr 5, 2021: [Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia] Catholic sisters are creating and running programs to protect the children who are the most at-risk among Africa’s rapidly growing population.

Many Catholic sisters in Africa dedicate their lives to ensuring the safety and protection of vulnerable children.

Meet 3 Sisters Behind Programs & Policies that Protect African Children

Mar 29, 2021: [Ghana, Kenya, Zambia] ASEC alumnae implement programs and policies that protect and promote the welfare of children in Kenya, Ghana and Zambia.

ASEC staff conducted a site visit to Boni Consilii Girls Vocational Secondary school in June, 2018, and were able to meet Sr. Lilian, Sr. Lucia and some of the girls who attend the school.

Hundreds of Girls in Rural Uganda Benefit from Practical, Holistic Education

Mar 15, 2021: [Uganda] Two Catholic nuns have used their education to advance the Boni Consilii school, providing previously unimagined opportunity to young girls in Uganda.

Through ASEC's HESA program, 37 sisters graduated from ASEC partner institution, Veritas University, on January 30, 2021, in Abuja, Nigeria. Five HESA graduates were recognized at the ceremony, receiving awards for “best in class” in their respective academic departments.

Five HESA Sisters in Nigeria Graduate as Head of Department

Mar 8, 2021: [Nigeria] Five HESA sisters receive Head of Department awards at Veritas University graduation ceremony for their outstanding academic performance.

Catholic nuns who have graduated from ASEC's programs have created over 3,800+ jobs in underserved African communities. Here, members of a women's group created by Sr. Stephany learn the skill of soap-making, which will give them the ability to create income for their families.

The Unlikely Women Creating Jobs and Reducing Poverty in Africa

Mar 1, 2021: [Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda] ASEC program participants are applying their education and skills to create and sustain jobs across Africa.

52 weeks a year women religious stand with the poor and immigrants, teach children, fight injustice, heal the sick, share spirituality, empower women, defend the planet, promote peace, create community and offer hope. But for one week each year in March, we shine the spotlight on women religious during Catholic Sisters Week. Above, sisters celebrate the graduation of HESA participants from ASEC partner university, St. Augustine University College (SAUT), in Mwanza, Tanzania.

An ASEC Perspective: The Importance of Catholic Sisters Week

Feb 26, 2021: [USA] ASEC Executive Director reflects on Catholic Sisters Week, ASEC's collaborative partnerships and the importance of celebrating Catholic sisters' tradition of service.

As a trauma survivor herself, Sr. Judith uses her experiences & expertise to help victims and perpetrators of SGBV heal.

Helping Survivors Heal from Trauma in Northern Uganda

Feb 15, 2021: [Uganda] Sr. Judith received a grant to start the Capacitar Trauma Healing project in response to the effects of war crimes & cultural acceptance of sexual & gender-based violence (SGBV) in Northern Uganda.

Sisters Josephine, Gisele and Anne are providing holistic education for students in Kenya.

Holistic Education & Life Skill Development in Kenya

Feb 8, 2021: [Kenya] After three Kenyan sisters received their training and education through ASEC, they needed ensure students' needs were met holistically in order to successfully provide a formal education.

Sustainable Development Goal 5, Target 5.3, aims to eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation by 2030.

4 Women Changing the Sexual and Gender Based Violence Narrative in Africa

Feb 1, 2021: [Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda] 4 Catholic sisters whose service work is helping to prevent and reduce sexual and gender-based violence in Africa.

Sr. Irene holding her Valedictorian award at the CUEA graduation ceremony in November, 2020.

Graduating as 2020 CUEA Valedictorian and Top of Class

Jan 4, 2021: [Kenya] HESA participant Sr. Irene Kwena receives honors as top graduating student and valedictorian of her class at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Kenya.

Thank you to our amazing partners, donors and friends (Donations between 9/1/2019 and 8/31/2020)

Appreciation for ASEC Donors in 2020

Dec 9, 2020: [USA] Thank you to our amazing 2020 supporters! What we do is not possible without you. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Clockwise, from top left: Alumnae workshop in Kenya (Feb. 2020). Sr. Victoria Ajio, MSBVM, attending a South Sudan SLDI Finance workshop. Sisters in Cameroon receive laptops during an Administration workshop. Tanzanian sisters receive books at a 2020 Administration workshop.

Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) Program, 2020 Year in Review

Dec 9, 2020: [Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, SouthSudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, USA] A year in review of the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) program. Read about milestones, news and experiences from 2020 as SLDI Phase V begins.

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