ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Sisters are using computer and technology skills learned in ASEC's programs to streamline and enhance their service work to the poor and vulnerable across Africa. Pictured are sisters from ASEC's Higher Education from Sisters in Africa (HESA) program in Tanzania, receiving personal laptops to assist them in their studies (2020).

Tech-Savvy Sisters: Catholic Nuns Share How Technology Transforms Their Apostolates

Aug 2, 2021: [Cameroon, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia] How Catholic nuns translate computer and tech skills into enhanced social services for Africa’s poor and vulnerable.

A Society of Jesus (SIJ) sister teaches young students of Infant Jesus Preparatory school in Twifo Praso, Ghana.

Nun Provides Safety to 700+ Young Students in Ghana

Jul 19, 2021: [Ghana] Sr. Irene Christine Oparku’s leadership and grant-writing skills have changed the lives of her students in Ghana.

Sub-Saharan Africa hosts more than 26% of the world’s refugee population, with Cameroon among the highest of African nations.

Sisters Offering Refuge: How Training Catholic Sisters Provides Critical Help to Refugees

Jul 5, 2021: [Cameroon] Catholic nuns in Cameroon, Africa are using their financial and leadership training to help those displaced by war and violence.

Sr. Joan Chisala, CSJB, ASEC’s Programs Coordinator in Zambia, lost her battle with COVID-19 on June 16, 2021.

Sr. Joan Chisala, ASEC Programs Coordinator Zambia & Former Visiting Scholar, Loses Battle With COVID-19

Jun 28, 2021: [Zambia, USA] It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Sr. Joan Chisala, CSJB, on June 16, 2021.

The Virtual SLDI Partners Workshop took place from June 15-17, 2021, with attendees logging in from the USA and the 10 African countries ASEC serves.

ASEC Holds SLDI Virtual Partners Workshop In Preparation For Phase VI of the Program

Jun 23, 2021: [Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, SouthSudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, USA] A three-day virtual workshop enabled staff and partners to collaboratively prepare for Phase VI of ASEC’s largest program.

Many improvements at St. Matia Primary School can be attributed to Sr. Betty’s leadership as head teacher. And Sr. Betty credits the education she has received through HESA for her success. Photo by Blair Harmon,

Ugandan Nun Makes Huge Improvements at Rural Primary School

Jun 14, 2021: [Uganda] As head teacher, Sr. Betty is using her HESA program education to provide a stable yet constantly improving learning environment for kids in Uganda.

Because of the undeniable benefits of mentoring, as part of the SLDI program structure, ASEC alumnae are expected to mentor at least 3 other sisters. They're also encouraged to invite their mentees to attend the annual alumnae workshops so they can network with other sisters.

African Sisters Cultivate Meaningful Change Through Mentoring

Jun 7, 2021: [Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania] Nuns provide guidance, motivation and support in their critical role as mentors, bringing to life the many benefits of mentorship in Africa.

Sr. Faida is able to provide both stability and hope amidst the chaos of a war-torn nation thanks to the skills and confidence she gained through ASEC’s SLDI program.

One Sister’s Solutions to a War Torn South Sudan

May 24, 2021: [SouthSudan, Uganda] Sr. Faida noticed how difficult it was for her neighbors to obtain healthy food during lockdown. So, she and the sisters taught them how to plant vegetables using sacks and broken buckets on their veranda.

Malawian sisters who graduate from ASEC's programs are invited to annual Alumnae and Reflective Learning Workshops. This enables sisters to continue networking and continue their education through presentations and discussions on relevant topics and emerging issues. Pictured: Participants of ASEC Alumnae Workshop in Malawi (February, 2020).

ASEC Forming Effective, Collaborative Agents of Change in Malawi

May 17, 2021: [Malawi] "ASEC programs need to be commended and encouraged," says Rev. Fr. Dr. Alfred Chaima. "We pray that the sponsors continue to invest in these programs."

After an internal evaluation of their finances, it was discovered that the congregation utilized a great deal of funds to supply electricity that heated the water in their Provincial House (Riruta, Nairobi). Sr. Susan was able to use her education to write a successful grant allowing her congregation to convert their hot water heating system to solar. This resulted in a a truly renewable energy source that's less expensive for the sisters to maintain.

Using Solar Energy to Support Kenyan Sisters in their Missions

May 10, 2021: [Kenya] The Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood in Kenya and Nairobi now have reliable, renewable energy thanks Sr. Susan’s grantmaking skills.

Highly trusted members of their communities, Catholic sisters are in a unique position of service, especially during times of crisis in Africa, when emergency response is needed.

Bringing Light to the Darkness: Catholic Sisters on the Front Lines in Africa

May 3, 2021: [Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia] Catholic sisters have become a critical component of emergency response among local African communities in crisis.

ASEC Board of Directors attending the 2021 annual meeting on April 29, 2021. Present at the meeting but not pictured are Carroll Juliano and Sr. Florence Hee.

ASEC Holds 2021 Annual Board Meetings Virtually

Apr 30, 2021: [USA] April 28-29: ASEC’s annual Advisory Board and Board of Directors Meetings took place via Zoom.

Charism, Spirituality, Mission and Ministry Webinar Takes Place March 15-17

Charism, Spirituality, Mission and Ministry Webinar Takes Place March 15-17

Apr 26, 2021: [USA] Through collaboration, ASEC and CARA facilitated a 3-day virtual webinar for the representatives of National Conferences/Associations of women religious in ASEC’s 10 countries of operation.

Sr. Astridah recognized that most public health messages regarding the pandemic were only being transmitted in English, which made the information inaccessible to many Zambian citizens. So, she invited other sisters on her radio program in order to translate critical pandemic information to local dialects.

Nun's Radio Show Disseminates COVID-19 Info to Zambians in Multiple Languages

Apr 20, 2021: [Zambia] Sr. Astridah is using the leadership skills she learned in ASEC's SLDI program to share critical health information about COVID-19 pandemic to 1.5 million Zambians via a multilingual radio show.

Through ASEC's SLDI program, sisters are learning to be effective leaders, articulate the needs of their communities and find the pathway to successfully fulfilling those needs.

Following the Ripples - How Educating One Person Can Benefit Hundreds in Need

Apr 19, 2021: [Zambia] The stories of four African women who used their education to change the lives of hundreds of people they serve.

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