ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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In 2004, ASEC hosted a conference at Marywood University for African sisters in leadership positions to enhance their understanding of technology and to mutually explore avenues for access to education in their countries.

How Far We Have Come!

Jan 1, 2024: [USA] From a bold seed planted 25 years ago, ASEC's mission to educate Catholic sisters in Africa has blossomed into a powerful force for change, transforming communities across the continent.

Collaboration: Where visionary partnerships turn dreams into reality, creating lasting impact across Africa and beyond.

The Path to Prophetic Collaboration

Jan 1, 2024: [USA] ASEC celebrates 25 years of impactful collaboration, driven by the vision and courage of its Founding Mothers, whose pioneering spirit and dedication have transformed lives across Africa and the globe, with every donation this year matched 1.5 times by the Hilton Foundation to continue this legacy of hope and service.

Sr. Josephine Kwenga wins People's Choice Award for Project on Sustainable Human Development

Sr. Josephine Kwenga wins People's Choice Award for Project on Sustainable Human Development

Oct 10, 2023: [Kenya] On September 27, 2023 ASEC participant Sr. Josephine Muthoni Kwenga, SJT won a People's Choice Award for her Sustainable Agriculture Project in Kenya.

HESA Partners Conference takes place in Nairobi

HESA Partners Conference takes place in Nairobi

Jun 16, 2023: [Kenya] The 2023 HESA Partners Conference took place in Nairobi, Kenya from June 13-17th.

Sr. Mini visiting ASEC's Headquarters in Scranton, PA from May 8-11, 2023. She is the first CARA-ASEC Visiting Scholar to be selected from India and the 9th scholar to enter the fellowship. While touring Scranton during her visit with ASEC, staff took Sr. Mini to the tulip fields at Brown Hill Farms in Tunkhannock, PA.

9th Visiting Scholar Selected for CARA Research Fellowship

Jun 6, 2023: [USA] Sr. Mini Joseph, JMJ, India, is the 9th scholar selected for six month research fellowship with The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) Georgetown University.

Photo by Damian Patkowski,

Affirming Dignity to the Dying in Zambia

Apr 3, 2023: [Zambia] Palliative care is largely recognized as essential to improving the quality of life of those with serious and often terminal illness, even if they may not be able to treat the root cause of their ailment.

ASEC to host inaugural fundraiser:

ASEC to host inaugural fundraiser: "A Night of Storytelling"

Mar 24, 2023: [USA] African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) is hosting the inaugural fundraising event, A Night of Storytelling, on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, in Marywood University’s Fireplace Lounge in Nazareth Hall from 6:30-8 pm.

ASEC sisters give a reading of the Holy Bible at an SLDI graduation held in Uganda in October of 2018.

In Her Words: Lenten Reflection

Mar 24, 2023: [none] We are almost halfway through Lent. We have gone through the first three weeks and are almost through the fourth week. This is a good time to pause and check in on how we are progressing with our Lenten resolutions.

ASEC sister Sr. Honorine with pupils during cooking practicals in Cameroon

Going where the need is greatest, exemplifying hard work, and solving social issues: 5 things we can learn from ASEC sisters

Mar 9, 2023: [Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, SouthSudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia] “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5

Top left: Sr. Angela Chinaenye Ibe of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; top right: Sr. Kiden Christine Janet, Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary; bottom left: Sr. Grace Akunna John-Emezi of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus; bottom right: Sr. Bi Eveline Ambe, Sisters of St. Ann

How can we measure the impact of education?

Mar 2, 2023: [Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, SouthSudan] We measure the impact of education through qualitative data by interviewing ASEC sisters, both those current students and alumnae. Through learning their stories, we can connect the dots between education and transformation, both within the sisters and their communities.

Members from ASEC US headquarters and faculty from DMI-St. Eugene meet via Zoom to sign partnership agreement.

ASEC signs new partnership with DMI-St. Eugene in Zambia

Feb 22, 2023: [Zambia, USA] DMI-St. Eugene University in Zambia is the first partner university in Africa to have been founded by religious women.

ASEC alumnae learn to make liquid soap at a workshop in Tanzania in January of 2023.

Sisters gather for alumnae workshop, use agriculture to feed communities in Tanzania

Feb 21, 2023: [Tanzania] Women religious go where the need is greatest and do everything they can to fulfill it, including increasing the availability of opportunities for agricultural growth in Tanzania.

ASEC Sisters teach children how to dance at St. Peter Clavery School in Mikumi, Tanzania

Dance in African Christianity and Culture as Explained by an ASEC Sister

Feb 16, 2023: [Kenya, Zambia, USA] After being with ASEC for a year, I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much about Catholic sisters, African culture, and some of the unique and beautiful traditions of Catholicism in Africa. One thing that I’ve noticed is the power of incorporating dance into graduations, mass and religious celebrations in Africa. I wanted to know more.

Staff members pose with the DISC assessment chart after the team development conference on February 2, 2023.

ASEC US Staff Learn About Work Styles in Development Training

Feb 7, 2023: [USA] The Collective 180, a consulting group that helps foster positive workplace relationships and environments through assessment-based training and development, spent two days with US ASEC staff recently. This is what we learned.

SLDI alumna Sr. Elizabeth Wambui in charge of the counseling services offered at the Reuben Center in Mukuru, Kenya.

ASEC Staff Visit Kenya for Convening, Graduation and Site Visits

Jan 13, 2023: [Kenya] ASEC Sr. Program Manager Dr. Rosemary Shaver and Finance Manager Betsy Hartshorn were grateful for the opportunity to visit Kenya and see first-hand how ASEC sisters are transforming their communities.

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