ASEC Alumnae Projects by SDG

End poverty in all its forms everywhere End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Ensure access to water and sanitation for all Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Reduce inequality within and among countries Sustainable Cities and Communities Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

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Transformation Over Time - Mgolole Orphanage

Transformation Over Time - Mgolole Orphanage

Over the past 7 years, the Orphanage Centre of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters in Tanzania has undergone an immense transformation.

Tech-Savvy Sisters: Catholic Nuns Share How Technology Transforms Their Apostolates

Tech-Savvy Sisters: Catholic Nuns Share How Technology Transforms Their Apostolates

How Catholic nuns translate computer and tech skills into enhanced social services for Africa’s poor and vulnerable.

Nun Provides Safety to 700+ Young Students in Ghana

Nun Provides Safety to 700+ Young Students in Ghana

Sr. Irene Christine Oparku’s leadership and grant-writing skills have changed the lives of her students in Ghana.

Ugandan Nun Makes Huge Improvements at Rural Primary School

Ugandan Nun Makes Huge Improvements at Rural Primary School

As head teacher, Sr. Betty is using her HESA program education to provide a stable yet constantly improving learning environment for kids in Uganda.

Following the Ripples - How Educating One Person Can Benefit Hundreds in Need

Following the Ripples - How Educating One Person Can Benefit Hundreds in Need

The stories of four African women who used their education to change the lives of hundreds of people they serve.

Reducing the Spread and Stigma of HIV/AIDS in Kenya

Reducing the Spread and Stigma of HIV/AIDS in Kenya

Sr. Norah is saving lives by providing preventative care and support services that reduce the spread and stigma of HIV/AIDS in Kenya.

Catholic Sisters Create a Safer World by Protecting Africa’s Children

Catholic Sisters Create a Safer World by Protecting Africa’s Children

Catholic sisters are creating and running programs to protect the children who are the most at-risk among Africa’s rapidly growing population.

Sisters Improve School Conditions for Girls in Zambia

Sisters Improve School Conditions for Girls in Zambia

Resource mobilization and project proposal writing skills learned in SLDI enable Sr. Christine to improve conditions at a girls’ boarding school in Zambia

The Importance of Rural Development in Tanzania

The Importance of Rural Development in Tanzania

Sr. Magreth continues her education in order to assist her congregation in developing its rural ministries across Tanzania.

Hospital in Uganda with Mission to Serve the Vulnerable

Hospital in Uganda with Mission to Serve the Vulnerable

Nursing Director and ASEC alumna Sr. Harriet is a driving force behind Nkozi Hospital's mission and vision for the future.

From Nursing Student to Hospital CEO

From Nursing Student to Hospital CEO

HESA pilot nursing student achieves success as CEO of St. Francis Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.

Nursing Education Helping Nuns Improve Healthcare in Africa

Nursing Education Helping Nuns Improve Healthcare in Africa

Catholic nuns in Africa receive quality education through ASEC, providing them with valuable nursing skills to improve healthcare in their communities.

Patient Dignity Comes First at Healthcare Facility in Ghana

Patient Dignity Comes First at Healthcare Facility in Ghana

Optometry Nurse and Catholic Nun Sr. Mary Frimpong follows in Jesus' footsteps with a special emphasis on patient dignity in her healthcare ministry in Ghana.

Library Builds Minds & Improves Literacy in Nigeria

Library Builds Minds & Improves Literacy in Nigeria

Sr. Immaculata works to improve the literacy rate in Nigeria by obtaining funds to construct a children's library and the learning materials to fill it.

Improving Nutrition, Reducing Poverty and Creating Jobs in Ghana

Improving Nutrition, Reducing Poverty and Creating Jobs in Ghana

Sr. Stephany's human development projects are improving nutrition, reducing poverty and creating jobs in Ghana.

Rebuilding Tanzania infrastructure, one brick at a time

Rebuilding Tanzania infrastructure, one brick at a time

Sr. Benedicta Anslem is improving infrastructure and building hope in Tanzania, one brick at a time.

Sisters Build Hope by Improving Infrastructure in Africa

Sisters Build Hope by Improving Infrastructure in Africa

Catholic Sisters are using their education to build infrastructure in Africa as they work towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9): Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

From Computer Illiterate to Empowered Accounts Manager

From Computer Illiterate to Empowered Accounts Manager

Find out how Sr. Faustina Khaoya is using her ASEC-sponsored education to help revamp her congregation's economy.

Solar Project Creates Stable Electricity for Malawian Health Centre

Solar Project Creates Stable Electricity for Malawian Health Centre

The country of Malawi struggles with several problems including an unstable power grid, so SLDI Alumni Sr. Stella decided to use Malawi's natural resources to power her congregation's health centre.

The Gift of Proposal Writing Skills Keeps on Giving

The Gift of Proposal Writing Skills Keeps on Giving

Sr. Consolata is addressing urgent needs in local hospitals, schools, orphanages and disabled homes with her proposal writing skills. She has written over 60 project proposals, 75% of of which have been successful!

Technical & Vocational Training in Cameroon

Technical & Vocational Training in Cameroon

Sr. Vera Bi Kiekiseeh Otia, HHCJ, principal of SPICOTEC in Cameroon, leverages her ASEC education to expand access to technical and vocational training, empowering youth to become entrepreneurs and job creators.