Quality education is a vital component to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2023, which provides a framework for achieving global integrated sustainable development. Without quality education (SDG 4), many of the other 17 SDGs such as decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) and industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9) would be impossible to realize. Of particular importance to providing quality education and thus increasing attainment of other key SDGs, is ensuring access to technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Technical and vocational education focuses on hands-on skill building related to occupational fields, production, services, and livelihoods.
Sr. Vera Bi Kiekiseeh Otia of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus (HHCJ) recognizes the importance of TVET and has served as principal of St. Pius X Comprehensive and Technical College (SPICOTEC) in Bota-Limbe, Cameroon since November 2023. SPICOTEC is a highly valued institution in the local community as parents understand the importance of technical skills and want their children to attend so they can be “self-employed and job creators.” SPICOTEC currently enrolls 250 students annually and employs a staff of 28, all supervised by Sr. Vera.

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SPICOTEC’s high quality education and the practical applicability of the trade skills taught, put enrollment at the institution in high demand. To date, over 100 students have already applied for admission to the institution. To accommodate the institution's growing number of students, Sr. Vera is assisting in overseeing the construction of a new classroom block. It is anticipated that the new classroom block, containing 30 new classrooms, will be completed in 2025.
Sr. Vera is an alum of both the SLDI and HESA programs, graduating from the SLDI Administration Track in 2016 and from HESA with a Masters in Business Administration in 2021. Since graduating from her ASEC programs, Sr. Vera has remained engaged in ASEC’s alumnae network, attending annual ASEC Alumnae Workshops and remaining in regular communication with ASEC regarding her use of the knowledge and skills she gained from the SLDI and HESA programs. Sr. Vera says that participation in ASEC programs has greatly improved her ability to serve others and that she has become more productive and efficient in her ministry.
She stated, “I am who I am thanks to ASEC. It has had a great impact in my life and others’ through ministry.”
Sr. Vera teaching and encouraging students of the Civil Engineering Department
In addition to serving as principal of SPICOTEC, Sr. Vera has held several leadership positions, achievements she attributes to the training she received from ASEC. Sr. Vera holds a position on her congregation’s leadership council and has also served as Mission Superior, Vocation Directress, and Secretary of the Religious Conference.
Through her ministry, Sr. Vera has already greatly contributed to sustainable human development through the provision of TVET in Cameroon. Through all her various activities and leadership positions, it is evident that Sr. Vera is having a positive impact on the youth she serves. Youth who will use the education Sr. Vera has helped them receive to become entrepreneurs, innovators, job creators, and economic stimulators that are greatly needed in Cameroon.