ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Sr. Magdalena used her interpersonal relation skills to acquire much needed items for Alinafe Community Hospital in Malawi. She was promoted to her position as Administrator of the hospital after completing ASEC's SLDI program in 2018.

Filling Healthcare Gaps in Malawi

Dec 6, 2019: [Malawi] Sr. Magdalena uses her newfound skills to streamline hospital operations and improve patient care.

Sr. Philomena Aboagye-Danso, FST (center), received an award as the overall best graduating student at the Catholic University College of Ghana, where she studied education.

Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program, 2019 year in review

Dec 2, 2019: [] A year in review of the Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program. Read HESA news, graduation announcements, student achievements and program growth as HESA Phase II Year 2 comes to a close.

Catholic nuns from Nigeria participate in the SLDI program Basic Technology workshop where they learn computer skills to help them in their ministries.

Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) program, 2019 year in review

Nov 25, 2019: [] A year in review of the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) program. Read about milestones, news and experiences from 2019 as SLDI Phase IV comes to a close.

Between 2012 and 2018, there has been a 19.5% increase in the number of women religious in the countries ASEC serves.

Number of Nuns on the Rise: Africa's Growing Sisterhood

Nov 18, 2019: [USA] The sisterhood is growing in Africa and ASEC strives to meet the educational needs of Catholic nuns who are serving Africa's poor and vulnerable.

11 ASEC-sponsored students graduated from Bigwa Secondary School in Morogoro, Tanzania with their 27 classmates (May 18, 2019).

Scholarship Program, 2019 year in review

Nov 11, 2019: [Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia] A year in review of ASEC's Scholarship Program for women religious in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia. Read about the program growth, celebrations and achievements as 2019 comes to an end.

A lack of clean water affects nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide, the majority of which live in isolated rural areas. Water scarcity prevents many children, especially girls, from receiving an education.

Stream of Hope; Clean Water Initiatives in Africa

Nov 4, 2019: [Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania] Catholic Nuns write grants and raise funds to support clean water projects in African communities.

“when we let ourselves be chosen by Jesus, it is to serve: to serve the people of God, to serve the poor, men and women who are outcasts, living on the fringes of society, to serve children and the elderly...Letting ourselves be chosen by Jesus means letting ourselves be chosen to serve, and not to be served.” -Pope Francis

The Link Between Servant Leadership and Higher Education: Women Religious in Sub-Saharan Africa

Oct 28, 2019: [Kenya, USA] Does participation in a post-secondary education program transform Kenyan sisters’ understanding of their lives as women religious?

ASEC Executive Director Sr. Draru greets a 9-year-old girl returning from school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. They talked about her day at school while they watched the other Sisters sing and dance in the street.

Our Shared Big Dream for Humanity

Oct 21, 2019: [USA] Chronicling the success stories of African women religious and their service to humanity made possible by their education facilitated by ASEC.

Mgolole Orphanage Center, Tanzania is run by the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters. It's known locally as

Helping Orphans in Tanzania See a Brighter Tomorrow

Oct 14, 2019: [Tanzania] Sr. Efrosina and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters provide love and comfort to orphans in Tanzania, giving them hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Immaculate Heart of Mary (CICM) Sisters caring for orphans at Mgolole Orphanage Centre in Morogoro, Tanzania.

Orphans of God

Oct 7, 2019: [Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda] Across Africa, Catholic nuns are providing help and hope for orphaned children facing psychosocial distress, economic hardship, withdrawal from school, malnutrition and illness.

St. Katharine Drexel, the Philadelphia heiress worked to help the minority population in the USA, founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and sought to share profundity of the Cross of Christ in joy.

What Do Nuns Do? 10 Contributions of Catholic Nuns in US History

Oct 3, 2019: [USA] Throughout the years, Catholic nuns have had a significant impact on building the foundations of America as we know it. Here are some facts about Catholic nuns in US history that you may not know!

Sr. Margaret Mary Dione Ajebe-Sone, SST, M.Ed. of Cameroon (standing, 2nd from left) visiting with ASEC staff at Marywood University. Sr. Margaret is the fifth Sister scholar accepted for a six month research fellowship with ASEC partner, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), Georgetown University.

5th Visiting Scholar Selected for CARA Research Fellowship

Sep 25, 2019: [Cameroon, USA] Sr. Margaret Dione Ajebe-Sone, SST, of Cameroon is the fifth Sister scholar accepted for a six month research fellowship to learn applied research skills in the apostolate at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), Georgetown University.

William Barron Hilton (October 23, 1927 - September 19, 2019), photo courtesy of Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

Remembering Barron Hilton

Sep 20, 2019: [USA] Hotelier and philanthropist Barron Hilton commits 97% of his wealth to the humanitarian work of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation in his passing on September 19, 2019 at age 91.

Sisters from ASEC programs invite you to take a serious look at what you can do to better care for our environment. Ask yourself what mark you are leaving on the face of Mother Earth. What action can you take to erase that mark?

Unmarking Mother Earth; Sisters Solve Environmental Issues in Africa

Sep 2, 2019: [Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia] Sisters are dedicated to solving the serious environmental issues facing Africa today, leaving the world in better condition than how they received it.

90% of the children attending the school where Sr. Mary Mukuha, FMI ministers did not have a desk. A lack of basic facilities, such as desks, contributes to an inability to facilitate effective learning.

The Classroom Without Desks in Rural Kenya

Aug 29, 2019: [Kenya] A lack of desks for school students remains a serious problem in rural areas in Kenya. But, Sr. Mary is changing that for students of Fr. Anthony Pagani Primary School.

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