ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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At Ukweli Home of Hope, the boys learn by doing. From the streets of Nairobi, they are becoming farmers, getting an education and learning to run a business.

Teaching Orphaned Boys about Sustainable Farming

May 3, 2017: [Kenya] SLDI mentee Sr. Catherine Wanza creates a biogas digester plant at Ukweli Home of Hope, allowing her to teach boys from the streets of Nairobi about sustainable agriculture and farming.

Sr. Eunice, one of the beneficiaries of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation SLDI Alumnae Signature Grant, secured the grant to purchase a Cervical Screening machine.

African Sisters in the Fight Against Cancer

Feb 4, 2017: [Nigeria] On World Cancer Awareness Day, ASEC would like to acknowledge the sisters working to prevent, treat and support individuals in their fight against cancer.

Women and girls spend several hours a day collecting water, often standing in baking heat. They then carry the heavy jerry cans home, either on their heads or tied to the end of poles.

Clean Drinking Water Transforms Communities in Ghana

Jan 25, 2017: [Ghana] The urgent need to stop a major cholera outbreak prompted the Sisters of St. Louis to find funding for a filtered water project. What they didn't expect was for clean water to transform their community in so many other ways.

Sr. Josephine, right, helps one of the women make a bangle bracelet during one of the training sessions Image courtesy of Global Sisters Report (GSR).

Social Justice & Peace For Marginalized Women in Kenya

Sep 1, 2016: [Kenya] Sr. Josephine began her project social justice project, Women Peacemakers with Alternative Livelihood, after recognizing the need to empower women in Kenya in dealing with social justice issues like violence, income setbacks, poverty and healthcare.

At Marie Adelaide Center in Enkang O’Selenken, women religious help Masai girls build different futures under the leadership of Directress Sr. Caroline Kimani, DHM.

Catholic Sisters Confront FGM in Kenya [Video]

Nov 3, 2015: [Kenya] Sr. Caroline Kimani describes how the SLDI leadership course changed her perspective and helped her become a better advocate in the fight against FGM.

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