ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Sisters pose with children from the St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Centre in Chezi, Dowa during the SLDI workshop field trip. At St. Mary's, sisters of Mary Mediatrix are taking care of malnourished children and orphans.

Catholic sisters participate in financial management training in Malawi

Nov 9, 2017: [Malawi] Catholic sisters drawn from 15 congregations within Malawi, Kenya and Zimbabwe participated in a month long SLDI financial management training.

Students in Tanzania mission schools are always neat, happy and enjoy learning.

The current teacher and society

Nov 7, 2017: [Tanzania] Sr. Sperata discusses in great detail the meaning of being a teacher, roles played by teachers in society and problems that are discouraging the teaching / learning process in Tanzania.

After graduating with a BA in Education through the HESA program, Sr. Betty's congregational superiors appointed her as a Head teacher of St. Matia Mulumba, Kiganda RC Primary. Here she is addressing the pupils at her school.

My hilltop internet experience in online studies

Nov 2, 2017: [Uganda] Sr. Betty received her BA in Education through the HESA program while continuing to work full time as a teacher, bursar and head of the non-teaching staff. Here she discusses managing work and school responsibilities and all the success that has come from receiving her Bachelor's degree.

Let us ask God to give us the heart of giving. Kindness goes a long way.

Kindness goes along way

Oct 31, 2017: [Malawi] Sr. Dorice shares a story with an important moral: God blesses the people who are ready to help their friends with the little that they have.

29 participants of the SLDI Administration II Workshop pose for a group photo. The workshop took place in August 2017 at the Institute for Formators, Du, Jos, Nigeria.

"This is the best workshop I attended on Administration so far."

Oct 26, 2017: [Nigeria] SLDI Administration II workshop participants in Nigeria share their personal experiences about the program.

Ben Mporokoso and Mwangi Daniel (standing, left), pose for a photo with the SLDI Finance Track I 2017 participants in Zambia.

Timely Technology for African Sisters

Oct 24, 2017: [Zambia] Ben Mporokoso, an instructor, facilitator and technical support specialist for the SLDI and HESA programs, shares his personal experience as an ASEC partner for the past six years.

Simple prayers to share for the fall / autumn.

Four Simple Autumn Prayers

Oct 19, 2017: [USA] Since this is such an incredibly beautiful time of year at ASEC headquarters, we wanted to share some simple seasonal prayers for autumn.

Participants of the SLDI Administration II Workshop in Uganda pose for a group photo after receiving their laptops.

Leading with integrity empowers others in the workplace

Oct 19, 2017: [Uganda] Sr. Rosemary explains how the SLDI Administration workshop taught her that to be a servant leader she must lead by example and cultivate a culture of teamwork to empower others.


Oct 17, 2017: [Tanzania] "It is like a dream for me to see that now I am able to do my work so much more systematically than before. This is the direct result of having attended the SLDI basic computer and finance workshops.

Sisters offer training support groups to the Bembeke community of individuals diagnosed HIV positive. Here a sister demonstrates food preparation using local resources for healthy living.

Liberation from the burden of HIV/AIDS in Malawi

Oct 12, 2017: [Malawi] ASEC not only aids the marginalized, but has been a key component in helping the Teresian Sisters realize their congregation's charism of liberation.

The Voice from the Cross: A Meditation

The Voice from the Cross: A Meditation

Oct 10, 2017: [Nigeria] Remember that My death on the cross was out of love for you. And I die daily for love of you. O My child, I am your Jesus, would you console Me?

Sr. Constansia (2nd from left) looks at her laptop with a smile during the SLDI Finance Track II Workshop that took place in Tanzania from August 12 - September 9, 2017.

ASEC addresses many concerns of major superiors in Tanzania

Oct 5, 2017: [Tanzania] Formation and empowering sisters is a priority for many Tanzanian congregations. Through God’s intervention, he touched the hearts of the ASEC founders to lead them toward answering the prayers of our superiors.

Sr. Florence will be performing research at CARA from September 2017 - March 2018.

2nd Visiting Scholar Selected for CARA Research Fellowship

Oct 3, 2017: [Nigeria] Sr. Florence Emurayeveya, EHJ, arrived at Georgetown University this month for her six month research fellowship with The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). She plans to visit ASEC Headquarters in December.

Landscape photo of a country village in Ghana.

The need for a comprehensive educational plan for women religious in Ghana

Sep 27, 2017: [Ghana] Each congregation needs a coordinated educational plan for the many young ladies would like to join religious life. Without such a plan, they might end up losing their vocation because of so many challenges in the world.

HESA sisters attend online orientation at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) following introduction and guideline to the University.

HESA orientation takes place in Kenya

Sep 26, 2017: [Kenya] Words of gratitude are expressed from a Kenyan sister who recently completed the HESA program orientation in Kenya.

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