ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Sr. Florence treated a baby suffering with malaria for 3 months. A healthy child brings hope to the nurse.

The Sister Going Above & Beyond to Provide Health Services in South Sudan

Oct 22, 2018: [SouthSudan, Uganda] Sr. Florence uses her nursing skills to care for her patients and her SLDI Finance training helps her to manage the clinic. Every single day she goes above and beyond to bring quality healthcare to the sick who need her.

Volunteering in Tanzania through ASEC's Service Learning program changed her life.

Volunteering in Tanzania Changed My Life

Oct 17, 2018: [Tanzania, USA] Marywood University alumna Emily Schweiger reflects on volunteering in Tanzania through ASEC's Service Learning Program and its effects on her life.

In addition to being an educational facility, St. Mary High School grows crops and raises livestock such as poultry and pigs. The income-generating activities on the farm help to pay teacher salaries, maintain the school and feed the children.

Closing the Loop With an Innovative Recycling Project

Oct 9, 2018: [Cameroon] Sr. Yvette's closed loop recycling project increases food production, manages waste and lifts the economic burden from her school during times of crisis in Cameroon.

Buildings at the Kasina Health Centre with solar panels on the roofs.

Solar Project Creates Stable Electricity for Malawian Health Centre

Oct 3, 2018: [Malawi] The country of Malawi struggles with several problems including an unstable power grid, so SLDI Alumni Sr. Stella decided to use Malawi's natural resources to power her congregation's health centre.

Large groups of people gathered for the free medical camp held in the rural village of Nyabwina, Uganda.

Medical Camp in Uganda treats nearly 2,000 in rural community

Sep 26, 2018: [Uganda] SLDI Alumna Sr. Nirmala wrote a successful grant to hold a free medical camp in rural Uganda helping nearly 2000 people.

Students of Usratuna Primary School in Juba, South Sudan are overjoyed to receive new school supplies.

Grant awarded to ASEC to support children in South Sudan

Sep 21, 2018: [SouthSudan] Through a grant from the Hilton Foundation, ASEC is providing education and supplies to children in camp sites in South Sudan.

Members of a farmer support group pose with Sr. Teresa for a photo. She spearheaded a project to train nearly 50 farmers in new farming technology to help reduce food shortages in Gwaza Village in Dedza, Malawi. Of course, Sr. Teresa sent this photo along to funder of this project so they could see the impact their donation has made. This is key to donor retention.

Donor retention strategies to win donor confidence

Sep 18, 2018: [Malawi] Sr. Teresa shares how she won the confidence of her donors and how donor retention plays an important role in receiving funding for multiple projects that can benefit the community.

Since 2002, the Sisters of St. Therese have been providing victim-offender prison care support alongside other employees and volunteers. The sisters work tirelessly to ensure the respect of the rights of inmates and a smooth reintegration into society. The sisters use a holistic approach to prison pastoral care. Here, they pose with inmates and their children at a Christmas party they organized.

Sisters Fighting Corruption and Injustice in Africa

Sep 17, 2018: [Cameroon, Kenya] SLDI and HESA alumnae are using their education to stop corruption and injustice in Africa by promoting peace, justice and strong institutions.

Sr. Faith Kamau and her group of children after playing sports at Nyumbani Village.

A Village for Orphans in Kenya (The Story of Nyumbani Village)

Sep 12, 2018: [Kenya] Sr. Faith Kamau, HESA student, is using her education to help the children and residents of the Nyumbani Village orphanage.

Agnes now volunteers with Sr. Sonia at the Ganya Health Center to help other youth living with an HIV positive diagnosis see that there is life and hope for them.

HIV+ Youth in Malawi Learn To Live with Hope

Sep 5, 2018: [Malawi] The story of Agnes, a young girl who was unaware she was HIV positive until the death of her mother and father. Agnes joined Sr. Sonia's support group where she learned how to deal with the stigma and challenges facing Malawian youth living with HIV.

142 students of Ntcheu Roman Catholic Primary School, Malawi, are planting trees in Africa.

Primary school students planting trees in Africa

Aug 28, 2018: [Malawi] Sr. Bertha teaches nearly 150 primary school students in Ntcheu, Malawi how to plant and care for trees and protect our precious environment.

Sr. Joan Chisala, CSJB, of Zambia, is the third African sister to be awarded a six-month fellowship to work as part of a research team at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

3rd Visiting Scholar Selected for CARA Research Fellowship

Aug 21, 2018: [Zambia, USA] Sr. Joan Chisala, CSJB, of Zambia is the third sister scholar accepted for a six month research fellowship to learn applied research skills in the apostolate at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), Georgetown University.

The Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) through the lens of ASEC programs.

Faith and Development: A Celebration of ARU at 50

Aug 14, 2018: [Uganda] ASEC Executive Director reflects on our partnership with the Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) in celebration of ARU's golden jubilee.

Capuchin Sisters of Blessed Mother Francesca Rubatto run a kindergarten and serve as administrators in a public primary school of 350 children. It's been difficult for the congregation to pay the teachers, but Sr. Leul's project is saving the community money through her project so they can pay the teachers' salaries.

Sustainable Farming Project Pays Teacher Salaries

Aug 10, 2018: [Cameroon] The sustainable farming / biogas project pays a portion of primary school teacher salaries, fights climate change and cuts down cost of living for the community.

A collection of photos from Ancilla Community Based Rehabilitation (ACBR), Ghana, show

Inclusive Development For Disabled Children in Ghana

Aug 8, 2018: [Ghana] Sr. Joyce works with her congregation and the community to ensure that disabled children receive medical care, education and a chance at inclusive development in Ghana.

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