ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Sr. Christabel, an SLDI student in Uganda, works from a tent on her congregation's farm to get the best internet connectivity.

COVID-19 Highlights the Importance of Educating Catholic Sisters

Nov 9, 2020: [Malawi, Uganda, Zambia, USA] Throughout the pandemic, sisters are doing what they always do: they get the job done. Their problem solving skills and resilience are exactly what the world needs right now.

Sisters celebrate the graduation of HESA participants from ASEC partner university, St. Augustine University College (SAUT), in Mwanza, Tanzania (2019).

Sisters Rise to the Top of the Class

Nov 2, 2020: [Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia] African nuns are reaching major academic achievements while amplifying their influence on some of the biggest challenges facing African society.

SLDI & HESA participant Sr. Teopista is the supervisor of a Ugandan bread bakery, supplying 70-80 loaves of bread per day to schools, hotels, supermarkets and the local community. During an site visit to the bakery, she gave ASEC staff a tour of the bakery and explained the bread-making process (June, 2019).

Bread Bakery Brings Employment, Skill Building and Food Supply to Ugandan Community

Oct 12, 2020: [Uganda] The education Sr. Teopista gained through both SLDI and HESA help a bakery to thrive and provide nourishment to a Ugandan community.

Your donation will help to prepare sisters in Africa to be educated and confident leaders. Donate to the education of a sister today.

Learning To Lead

Sep 28, 2020: [Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia] Through education, Catholic sisters are becoming some of the top leaders bringing positive changes throughout Africa.

SLDI participants  of Administration Track visit school children in Fukayosi Villiage in Tanzania.

The Impact on Education in Africa - ASEC Special Evaluation Report

Sep 28, 2020: [USA] How alumnae of ASEC's SLDI and HESA programs are impacting ministries in primary and secondary education in Africa.

Catholic sisters are using their ASEC-sponsored education to provide healthcare and medical services to Africa's poor and vulnerable. Here, Sr. Monica Kissoly, SCC, an SLDI alumna in Tanzania, attends to a newborn baby at a women & children's clinic at Holy Cross Health Centre in Morogoro.

Women Religious are Healing Africa Through Health and Wellness

Sep 7, 2020: [Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia] Catholic sisters are providing much needed health and wellness services throughout Africa.

Staff & partners visited Nkozi Hospital in Kampala, Uganda, where HESA alumna Sr. Harriet Baker, IMHR, serves as Nursing Director, supervising ≈100 healthcare workers. From L-R:  Rosemary Shaver, Sr. Harriet Baker, April Fowlkes, Tara Lopatofsky

My Experience as a HESA Liaison

Aug 27, 2020: [Uganda, USA] April Fowlkes reflects on her experience coordinating ASEC's HESA program at Chestnut Hill College and taking her first trip to Africa (Uganda) in June 2019.

ASEC staff visited Sr. Harriet at Nkozi Hospital in June, 2019. Since then, she's been working towards improving healthcare for the vulnerable and organizing events to raise funds for a much needed Accident, Emergency and Trauma Center.

Hospital in Uganda with Mission to Serve the Vulnerable

Aug 10, 2020: [Uganda] Nursing Director and ASEC alumna Sr. Harriet is a driving force behind Nkozi Hospital's mission and vision for the future.

You can help improve and sustain the vitality of congregations of women religious in Africa by supporting a sister’s ASEC-sponsored education now.

Sisters Sustaining Sisters: Bring Vitality to Communities of Women Religious in Africa

Aug 3, 2020: [Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia] Congregations of Catholic sisters in Africa are being strengthened from within through ASEC programs.

Sr. Mary Sarah (right) graduated from the University of Kisubi in Uganda through ASEC's Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program. She received her Bachelor’s in Business Administration and is now using the skills she learned to strengthen the vitality of her congregation.

Congregational Capacity Building in Uganda

Jul 20, 2020: [Uganda] Sr. Mary Sarah strengthens the vitality of her congregation through leadership and governance training.

Sisters in Kenya pose with girls of Cheshire Home in Limuru Kenya, where HESA alumna Sr. Anne Kamene (front, second from left) serves as Director.

4 Inspirational Homes in Africa Where Catholic Sisters Support Individuals with Disabilities

Jul 1, 2020: [Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, USA] Catholic nuns from ASEC programs are using their educational training to support people with disabilities at facilities throughout Africa.

In Kampala, Uganda, the Good Samaritan Sisters care for the elderly, poor, destitute, disabled and neglected at Mapeera Bakateyamba Home for the Elderly and Sick.

Supporting Seniors: Catholic Sisters Provide Sustainable, Long-Term Care for Africa's Elderly

Jun 1, 2020: [Lesotho, Uganda] Educated nuns in Africa are becoming mutigenerational change multipliers by providing support to the most senior members of their communities.

Sr. Albertina interacts with residents of Reitumetse Old Age Home in Lesotho, where she completed her college field experience.

Field Experience with the Elderly Affirms Sister's Passion for Social Work

May 25, 2020: [Lesotho] Sr. Albertina's field experience with the elderly affirms her passion for the social work field, where she has the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable.

You can support young girls in Africa by donating to the education of a Sister who uplifts her every single day.

Advancing the Girl Child in Africa: Catholic Sisters Empower the Next Generation of Women

May 4, 2020: [Kenya, Lesotho, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia] Nuns in Africa are using their education to become change agents and forces multipliers of good by leading and supporting young women.

From Leader to Servant Leader: A Catholic Nun's Journey

From Leader to Servant Leader: A Catholic Nun's Journey

Apr 13, 2020: [Kenya] Sr. Ruth uses skills she learned in ASEC programs to be a role model and servant leader in her community.

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