ASEC News & Reflections
ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.
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Dance in African Christianity and Culture as Explained by an ASEC Sister
Feb 16, 2023: [Kenya, Zambia, USA] After being with ASEC for a year, I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much about Catholic sisters, African culture, and some of the unique and beautiful traditions of Catholicism in Africa. One thing that I’ve noticed is the power of incorporating dance into graduations, mass and religious celebrations in Africa. I wanted to know more.
ASEC US Staff Learn About Work Styles in Development Training
Feb 7, 2023: [USA] The Collective 180, a consulting group that helps foster positive workplace relationships and environments through assessment-based training and development, spent two days with US ASEC staff recently. This is what we learned.
ASEC Staff Visit Kenya for Convening, Graduation and Site Visits
Jan 13, 2023: [Kenya] ASEC Sr. Program Manager Dr. Rosemary Shaver and Finance Manager Betsy Hartshorn were grateful for the opportunity to visit Kenya and see first-hand how ASEC sisters are transforming their communities.
Deciding to Become a Nun: The Process
Jan 10, 2023: [USA] If you have ever wondered about the process of becoming a nun, you are not alone. It turns out it takes a lot of commitment, dedication and time to prepare before taking one's final vows.
Pope Benedict XVI, Who Preached About Christian Love, Passes
Jan 5, 2023: [USA] Just like those who came before him, and after, Pope Benedict XVI had the enormous task of leading the Catholic Church in a complex and ever-changing world. This can never be considered easy and it is important to take a moment to honor his service after his recent passing.
Visiting Scholar visits ASEC Headquarters, Presents Progress on Catholic Research
Nov 16, 2022: [Uganda, USA] Sr. Lucy's research may be able to help congregations in Uganda better prepare women religious for the work of their ministries.
Late Sister, ASEC Founder to Donate Body to Science
Oct 27, 2022: [USA] When Sr. Margaret Gannon's decision to donate her body to science was announced at her memorial, some wondered, "Can she do that?" The official answer from the Catholic Church is, "Yes, yes she can."
ASEC hosts farewell celebration for Nigeria and Kenya Program Coordinators
Oct 20, 2022: [Kenya, Nigeria] Although good-byes are often sad, ASEC Sisters understand well their vows of obedience and living by the will of God. So when it comes time to part ways, farewells have become more of celebrations at ASEC, for the time spent and service given by women religious.
ASEC Founding Member, Emerita Board of Director Called Home to the Lord
Oct 17, 2022: [] Sister Margaret Gannon, Sister, Servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Scranton (IHM), Ph.D, died Friday, Oct. 14, 2022. Sr. Margaret was a pillar of ASEC, having helped create the organization in its inception and serving as a board member thereafter.
Senior Program Manager is awarded Ed.D., doctoral award
Oct 3, 2022: [USA] HESA and Scholarship Senior Program Manager Rosemary Shaver, Ed.D. received her Doctorate in Education from Wilkes University after successful defense of her research on the perceived impact of service learning programs on higher education learners. Through her research she was able to find that it is a transformative experience that promotes self-examination, dialogue, and skill development among participants.
SLDI Participants meet with Executive Director, Share the Impact of Computer Technology Workshops
Sep 6, 2022: [Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, USA] ASEC Sisters from Zambia, Tanzania and other countries in Africa have gathered recently for Basic Technology workshops as a part of the SLDI program. Last month they met with ASEC Executive Director Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia to discuss what they learned and why it is important.
ASEC Celebrates Board and Associate Members at Dinner During LCWR
Aug 18, 2022: [USA] During the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) conference in St. Louis, ASEC took the opportunity to meet with board members, associate board members, and other ASEC supporters at a dinner.
‘Mystical Wisdom’ Found at LCWR Conference in St. Louis
Aug 16, 2022: [USA] The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) held its annual conference from August 9-12, 2022, in St. Louis, Mo. ASEC members attended to share our mission and to learn about other organizations.
ASEC Executive Director, Program Manager Attend IACHE Seminar
Jul 22, 2022: [USA] A recent seminar at Boston College, IACHE, discusses current challenges facing Catholic Universities and how higher education can keep traditions alive on campus.
ASEC Co-Founder, Former Vice Chair Sr. Carol Jean Vale Retires from CHC After 30 Year Career
Jun 9, 2022: [USA] ASEC Co-Founder and Former Vice Chair Sr. Carol Jean Vale, SSJ, Ph.D., will retire this month after 30 years of dedicated service.
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