ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Fighting corruption: a prophetic role of women religious in Malawi

Aug 8, 2017: [Malawi] Sr. Teresa reflects on a recent SLDI finance workshop, explaining how skills gained through ASEC programs are a positive step towards fighting corruption in Malawi and other parts of Africa.

HESA students pose for a group photo before graduation ceremonies at Tangaza University in Nairobi, Kenya.

Sr. Mary receives her diploma in Leadership and Resource Management through the HESA program

Aug 3, 2017: [Kenya] After receiving her diploma through the HESA program, Sr. Mary has more confidence and hopes to continue her education to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Using the skills she learned in the SLDI program, Sr. Vera held a workshop on time management, stewardship and accountability and customer service.

Using SLDI skills to improve my ministry and mentor others

Aug 1, 2017: [Cameroon] Sr. Vera used the skills learned in the SLDI program to improve her ministry. She also held a workshop on time management, stewardship and accountability and customer service.

Sr. Dorice with the children after teaching catechism.

The story of Caroline and Doreen

Jul 19, 2017: [Malawi] Sr. Dorice tells the story of two girls with the same educational opportunities and how their choices impacted the rest of their lives. She reflects on the gift of quality education in relationship to Catholic sisters in Africa.

Drug abuse is a serious issue that is abolishing the dreams of our future generation. The youth are most vulnerable. That's why Catholic nuns like Sr. Felistas are providing drug rehabilitation and a stable environment for young boys to overcome their addictions.

The Impact of Drug Abuse in Developing Countries

Jul 17, 2017: [Kenya, Tanzania] Understanding the severe impact that drug abuse has on health, development, peace and security in developing countries of Africa.

A few months ago, a post went viral on Facebook in which a man congratulated his cousin on his marriage to a very young girl. The message caused a lot of controversial issues. The girl (pictured above with her husband) had no say in the issue and had to accept her parents’ decision.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria - Silence is No Longer Golden

Jul 11, 2017: [Nigeria] Women’s education is foreseen to be the single most influential investment that can be made in the developing world to eradicate and reduce gender-based violence.

Sr. Astridah shows the children a photo on the camera.

The SLDI web design course gave me confidence, helping my congregation and ministry

Jul 7, 2017: [Zambia] Sr. Astridah has had a lot of success in her ministry through the skills she gained in the SLDI Web Design course.

On behalf of the SLDI Finance participants, thanks to ASEC donors and partners for our new laptops.

What I learned from the SLDI program (Finance Track)

Jun 22, 2017: [Tanzania] Sr. Crescensia reflects how her experience in the SLDI Finance program has increased her technology skills, made her more confident in her work and inspired her to mentor other sisters in her congregation.

Students of the Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Girl's Secondary School in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. This project started in 2005 with two sisters and  Sr. Celina Adegun, SSMA, an SLDI alumna who served as the school principal until 2015. Since inception three more SLDI alumnae served at the school; Sr. Marcelina Bamisaye, SSMA as Vice President, Sr. Agnes Ayedun, SSMA as Bursar, and Sr. Benedicta Tokede, SSMA as a classroom teacher.

Morality and Education

Jun 12, 2017: [Nigeria] Sr. Elizabeth reflects on the importance of educators as role models to their students and the importance of teaching values and morality in schools.

Malawian sisters in the SLDI program practicing computer skills in class.

The SLDI program: a tool for transformation for sisters in Malawi.

Jun 8, 2017: [Malawi] Confidence and skilled gained through the SLDI program have transformed the lives of many sisters in Malawi.

Sr. Yvette Sam (left) with a handful of Students of St. Marys’ Catholic Comprehensive College, Ndop.

The true mark of great leadership is what happens after the leader leaves the scene

Jun 6, 2017: [Cameroon] Sr. Yvette's SLDI training made her realize it was not too late to start raising the next generation of leaders.

How Cheshire Homes is contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

How Cheshire Homes is contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

May 30, 2017: [Zambia] Sr. Clarina outlines how managing Cheshire Homes is contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of No Poverty, Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education and Climate Action.

Teachers demonstrate care and love to children while they are at school.

Education is the key to eradicating poverty in Africa

May 19, 2017: [Tanzania] In this reflection of the International day of Family, Sr. Veronika discusses how providing high quality education from the family level to higher institutions can eliminate poverty in African societies.

A session on human trafficking helped to save my niece's life

A session on human trafficking helped to save my niece's life

May 16, 2017: [Malawi] I would have never known about human trafficking without attending a session prepared by our ASEC Coordinator in Malawi last year. Because of this knowledge, some girls have been rescued from this horrible fate.

Catholic nuns are serving in the poor and rural areas of Africa, where help is needed most.

Educating Catholic Nuns in Africa is Changing the World... Here's Why

May 1, 2017: [USA] Catholic nuns are addressing a multitude of the most pressing development challenges in Africa today. But, they need more skills and education to carry out their important mission work.

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