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Press Mentions

2025-01-27: Catholic institutions in Africa seek alternative funding as support from former missionaries fades Phiri, M America Magazine

2024-10-25: Sister Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, receives Notre Dame Award for Outstanding Contributions to Catholic Education Scott, A. Notre Dame News

2024-10-14: Former directors reflect on ASEC's gifts, 25-year milestones Herlinger, C. Global Sisters Report

2024-10-11: Over 25 years, ASEC programs to educate sisters have evolved Ajiambo, D. and Herlinger, C. Global Sisters Report

2024-10-10: ASEC uplifts 'entire communities' in Africa in 25 years of educating sisters Ajiambo, D. and Herlinger, C. Global Sisters Report

2024-01-29: 99 Years and Counting: Chestnut Hill College's 2023 Year-in-Review Gallagher, M. Chestnut Hill College News Center

2024-01-03: New CHC president, partnerships and chaplain part of vision for future Marilee Gallagher Chestnut Hill Local

2023-12-22: Marywood University president to retire Lee, C. The Citizens' Voice

2023-09-24: How Catholic Bishops' Commission in Malawi is “combatting” Challenge of Human Trafficking ACI Africa Staff Association for Catholic Information in Africa

2023-09-24: How Catholic Bishops' Commission in Malawi is “combatting” Challenge of Human Trafficking ACI Africa Staff Association for Catholic Information in Africa

2023-07-17: Catholic sisters connect across continents to improve care for older members Carole Sargent National Catholic Reporter

2023-06-09: MALAWI: ASEC-HESA Supported Students Shine at CUNIMA Prince Henderson AMECEA Malawi

2023-06-09: MALAWI: Religious Women in Malawi Challenged to be Vigilant in Mobilizing Resources Prince Henderson AMECEA Malawi

2023-02-16: Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative explores religious liberty challenges facing Catholic schools at symposium hosted with Kellogg Institute, the Australian Catholic University Anna Bradley NOTRE DAME LAW SCHOOL RELIGIOUS LIBERTY INITIATIVE

2022-10-17: Monday Starter: Sr. Donna Markham to retire as head of Catholic Charities USA Chris Herlinger Global Sisters Report

2022-10-07: Did Vatican II Cause the Catholic Church to Decline? Rory Fox Catholic Stand

2022-10-03: Celebrating 100 Years Of Selfless Service: Mass Celebrating Centenary Of The Founding Of The Little Sisters Of Saint Francis Held In Archbald Diocese of Scranton Scranton, Pa.

2022-08-22: Monday Starter: African sisters honored for contributing to continent's development Chris Herlinger Global Sisters Report

2022-07-04: Catholic Religious Sisters Under ASEC Scholarship Tipped on How to Do Research Malawi 24

2022-05-25: Catholic sisters open computer school Malawi 24

2021-10-08: Sister Spotlight: Sister Gail celebrates over 50 years at Marywood Deroba, Elizabeth The Wood Word. Marywood University, Scranton, PA

2021-10-04: A wake-up call to embrace solar energy Clara Mangwengwe

2021-06-26: MALAWI: Gender-based violence worries Catholic Nuns. Chimwaza, L. Kasese Guide Radio Website Kasese, Uganda

2021-04-15: Archive project for our local Zimbabwe congregation, founded in 1932 Jonasi, H. Global Sisters Report Kansas City, MO

2021-03-25: Marywood’s 2021-2025 strategic plan highlights intergenerational education Frantz, E and Ryan, B. The Wood Word Marywood University, Scranton, PA

2021-02-10: College president, Sister Carol Jean Vale, to retire next year Kate Dolan Chestnut Hill Local

2021-01-21: Diverging mindsets Robinson, D. National Catholic Community Foundation (NCCF) Website Crownsville, MD

2020-11-26: Sisters’ Association in South Sudan Boosts Catholic Nuns’ Leadership Capacity in Training Makur, P. Association for Catholic Information in Kenya Juba, South Sudan

2020-10-22: Two African Sisters Selected for Catholic Nuns’ Pilot Doctoral Scholarship Program Maina, M. Association for Catholic Information (ACI) Africa

2020-10-15: 'Women in time to come will do much': Congregation Jesu in Zimbabwe Shumbamhini, M. (SLDI Participant) Global Sisters Report

2020-09-30: Scholars Highlight Limitations, Challenges in Studies Examining Catholic Sisters Maina, M. Association for Catholic Information in Africa (ACIA) Nairobi, Kenya

2020-09-27: Ongoing Research Session to Create Scholarly Network Examining Catholic Nuns’ Apostolate Maina, M. Association for Catholic Information in Africa (ACI Africa) Nairobi, Kenya

2020-09-25: The Rebuilders: Goalkeepers constructing the post-pandemic world Vanizette, C. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

2020-09-18: Beloved nun remembered for her service FOX-13 News Tampa Bay, FL

2020-08-26: African Sister Education Collaborative (ASEC) appeals to superiors to send sisters for training Ngbavungugbe C., Kparabatiko G. Ruru Gene News South Sudan

2020-08-25: Q & A with Sr. Louisa Abid, providing health care in Cameroon in the face of war and COVID-19 Meyer, J. Global Sisters Report Bamenda, Cameroon

2020-07-24: African Sisters Education Collaborative: Transformation Through Empowerment Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia (OSF) Good News (Vol 23.2, Summer 2020) Aston, PA

2020-06-04: Who Do People Trust For Coronavirus Info? In Zambia, It's Nuns On The Radio Baskar, P. NPR Washington, D.C.

2020-05-26: Q & A with Sr. Winnie Mutuku, feeding street children in a pandemic Ajiambo, D. Global Sisters Report Kitale, Kenya

2020-05-18: Catholic Sisters Continue to Serve in Africa Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2020-04-25: Kenyan Nun Braving Harsh COVID-19 Times to Sustain Street Feeding Program Aineah, A. Associate for Catholic Information in Africa Kitale, Kenya

2020-04-06: Sister Spotlight: Sr. Margaret Gannon advocates for social justice even after retirement Deroba, E. The Wood Word Marywood University, Scranton, PA

2020-02-17: Advisory committee formed to connect Marywood Heights and University Ryan, B. The WoodWord Marywood University, Scranton, PA

2020-02-11: Home Is Where The Heart Is Gillern, K. Holy Cross High School Dunmore, PA

2020-01-24: Uganda Hosts ASEC Staff Training and Celebrates 20th Anniversary Driciru, M. Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) News Blog Uganda

2020-01-06: Improving nutrition, reducing poverty and creating jobs in Ghana Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2019-11-14: CHC, SSJs Celebrate 20th Anniversary of ASEC Dolan, K. Chestnut Hill College News Center Philadelphia, PA

2019-11-01: Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the African Sisters Education Collaborative with Chestnut Hill College Chestnut Hill College Philly Voice Philadelphia, PA

2019-10-22: Q & A with Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, creating educational opportunities for sisters in Africa Herlinger, C. Global Sisters Report

2019-07-29: OVER TWO MILLION SERVED! The African Sisters Education Collaborative Rupell, C. OneWith Magazine of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Spring/Summer 2019, pp 14-18.

2019-07-29: ASEC 2019 Service Learning Project: Ghana Rupell, C. OneWith Magazine of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Spring/Summer 2019, pp 19-21.

2019-07-03: The African Sisters Education Collaborative: Why It Matters Reich, J. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia Blog

2019-06-25: How to Avoid Random Acts of Marketing Evans, M. The Profit Without Worry Podcast, Episode 86

2019-04-07: Leap of Faith - Service brings Ugandan nun to Scranton Heaney West, C. The Sunday Times, Scranton Times Tribune Scranton, PA

2019-03-21: Questions about events and women of 1619 frame conversation at CNU conference Jones, M. Daily Press Newport News, VA

2019-02-22: Sisters Fight HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2019-02-07: African sisters mark launch of book about work of women religious Achiego, R. Global Sisters Report

2018-12-27: Year-end roundtable: A look back at 2018's challenges and signs of hope Herlinger, C. Global Sisters Report Kansas City, MO

2018-10-16: Catholic Sisters Fighting Corruption and Injustice Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2018-08-31: Africa: Addressing Poverty through Field Trips Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2018-08-31: Healthcare and Education for Disabled Children Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2018-08-20: To Africa and Back: A Tale of Two Sisters Dicciani, K. Chesnut Hill College News Center Philadelphia, PA

2018-08-01: Zambia: A Small Rural Health Center with Big Impact Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2018-08-01: Help and Hope for Homeless Boys in Kenya Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2018-08-01: Sustainable Agriculture: Ending Hunger in Africa Fedele, A. SDG Philanthropy Platform

2018-03-26: Education is key to spiritual formation of sisters The Life Panelists Global Sisters Report

2017-12-01: President's Message: All Are Precious in God’s Sight Munley, A. Marywood University Magazine (Winter '17-'18) Scranton, PA

2017-12-01: Hilton Foundation Grant Expands Education Program to Nine African Countries Marywood University Magazine (Winter '17-'18) Scranton, PA

2017-11-07: Q & A with Catherine Sexton, revealing sisters' theology through research Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2017-10-27: CHC students travel to Africa to ‘serve their neighbor’ Rybak, S. Chestnut Hill Local Philadelphia, PA

2017-10-03: Service Trip to Kenya scheduled for spring Ryan, B. The Woodword, Marywood University Scranton, PA

2017-07-20: Catholic sisters: Champions of sustainable development Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC), University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

2017-06-02: ‘Hopes shattered' as Francis' South Sudan trip postponed Herlinger, C. NCR Online

2017-04-07: Off to Africa Lange, B. Chesnut Hill College Connections Philadelphia, PA

2017-03-25: 95 African Sisters Earn Their Degrees Through HESA Byrne, E. Marywood University Scranton, PA

2017-02-27: In South Sudan, Catholic sisters are beacons of faith, hope, love. Wakahiu, J. Global Sisters Report

2017-02-13: Sharing voices of African sisters Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2016-12-07: Being of Service — At Home and Around the World Lange, B. Chesnut Hill College Connections Philadelphia, PA

2016-11-21: Catholic Sisters Discuss Sustainable Development in Africa at Nairobi Convening Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC), University of Southern Californi Los Angeles, CA

2016-10-28: Six AMECEA countries among the beneficiaries of ASEC Adinda, P. AMECEA News Blog Kenya

2016-10-28: Conference Discusses Role of Catholic Sisters in SDG’s Adinda, P. Catholic Information Service for Africa (CISA) Nairobi, Kenya

2016-10-27: Sisters in Africa discuss efforts to protect environment, address climate change Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2016-10-25: A dream coming true: Mobilizing African sisters for systemic change Madueke, E. Global Sisters Report

2016-10-24: Sisters of Africa gather with spiritual hearts to focus on UN development goals DeGeorge, G. Global Sisters Report

2016-10-17: Catholic Sisters in Africa Explore Means of Engaging in UN Sustainable Development Goals at Nairobi Convention Onyalla, D. Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM / SCEAM) Accra, Ghana

2016-10-16: Partners Join the Catholic Sisters Initiative team in Nairobi, Kenya to Discuss Sisters’ Role in Sustainable Development Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Agoura Hills, CA

2016-10-01: Catholic Sisters in Africa: Strong, Vital and Taking on Global Challenges McNally, T. Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC), University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

2016-07-13: Sisters' leadership development initiative training (SLDI) Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Gulu (LSMIG) Uganda

2016-05-12: Pope Francis says panel will study whether women may serve as deacons Povoledo, E. & Goodstein, L. The New York Times New York, NY

2016-05-05: UISG Plenary Assembly 2016: "Care of the Planet, World issues, Relgious Life and Soldarity" Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Gulu (LSMIG) Uganda

2016-04-05: Q&A with Sr. Mary Owusu Frimpong, bringing health care to the margins Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2016-03-29: Dormitory expansion in Tanzania is slow but keeps girls in school Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2016-02-01: Staff Spotlight: Sister Kathryn Miller's Work in Africa Continues to Inspire Gallagher, M. Chesnut Hill College Connections Philadelphia, PA

2016-01-28: Sharing voices of sisters in Tanzania and Kenya Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2016-01-01: Catholic sisters, champions of sustainable development goals Little Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Gulu (LSMIG) Uganda

2015-11-20: Sisters in Africa discuss: Anticipating Pope Francis’ visit Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2015-11-02: Catholic Sisters Lead the Way in Africa Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC), University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

2015-10-16: Voices of Courage: New Publication on Catholic Sisters in Africa Gerald and Henrietta Rauenhorst (GHR) Foundation GHR Foundation

2015-09-21: Handing the Pen to African Sisters Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2015-09-21: Journey of faith: African girls and religious life Wakahiu, J. Global Sisters Report

2015-09-06: Students have unforgettable experience at Bigwa School in Tanzania Gallagher, M. Chesnut Hill College News Center Philadelphia, PA

2015-09-01: Students Have Unforgettable Experience at Bigwa School in Tanzania Gallagher, M. Chesnut Hill College Connections Philadelphia, PA

2015-06-12: Collaborating for Impact in Zambia Bohmer, L. Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Agoura Hills, CA

2015-02-04: A Pragmatist’s View of Religion Miller, D. Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC), University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

2014-10-29: Not just facts and figures: Accounting is empowerment Lidman, M. Global Sisters Report

2014-10-13: Thanks to Hilton, Sisters are trooping back to School! Kabugu, V. National Mirror

2014-06-11: Marywood University enters into partnership with the Kisubi Brothers University College, Uganda Marywood University Scranton, PA

2014-04-08: Foundation embodies hoteliers admiration for religious, says grandson Catholic News Service The Catholic Sun Phoenix, AZ

2014-02-07: CUEA Seek to Empower African Sisters through Higher Education Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) AMECEA News Blog

2014-01-22: 2014 Site Visit to Kenya Sichol, M. Marywood University Scranton, PA

2013-11-21: College Signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Catholic University College of Ghana Chestnut Hill College News Center Philadelphia, PA

2013-08-28: Shining a light on Catholic Sisters Nassif, R. Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Agoura Hills, CA

2010-10-01: An Incredible Generosity of Spirit Dougherty, R. Chestnut Hill College Magazine (Fall 2010) Philadelphia, PA