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2023-09-16: How Archdiocese in Malawi is Propagating Catholic Bishops’ Child Safeguarding Policy Silas Isenjia Association for Catholic Information in Africa

2023-01-18: ASEC calls for support for work of Catholic sisters Nyasa Times

2022-06-28: African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC): Promoting Diversity and Dignity with Reverence Lopatofksy, T. Conference on the History of Women Religious Notre Dame, IN

2022-04-19: Academic Linkages: Research Opportunities Created Through Marywood University’s Partnership with ASEC Lopatofksy, T. Marywood Research Day Marywood University

2021-04-20: Marywood Partners on Campus Lopatofksy, T. Marywood Research Day Online

2021-03-15: CARA-ASEC Webinar Charism, Spirituality, MIssion, & Ministry ASEC Research Initiative Staff ASEC-CARA Host Online

2021-03-06: Self-Efficacy Outcomes of Nontraditional Ledaership Program for Women Religious in Sub-Saharan Africa Glosser, S., Ohotnicky, S., Mudge, J. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference Online

2020-09-21: International Consultative Research (ICR) Conference ASEC Research Initiative Staff ASEC-CARA Host Online

2020-06-05: ASEC COVID-19 Stakeholder Engagement Survey Presentation Karimi, K. & Lopatofsky T. Virtual

2020-02-28: Changing the Narrative: The Workshop Series - Round Table Presentations Karimi, K. & Lopatofsky, T. Marywood University “Changing the Narrative” Workshop Series Scranton, PA

2020-01-21: Exploring nontraditional leadership training on Catholic sisters’ self-efficacy and latent potential for sustainable leadership skills in Africa south of the Sahara. Karimi, K. Marywood University Dissertation Defense Marywood University, Scranton, PA

2019-11-20: Servant Leadership and Sustainable Development: Creating Impact through the Ministries of Catholic Sisters in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lopatofsky, T. & Shaver, R. Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in Education (CSLEE) Values and Ethics Conference New Orleans, LA

2019-11-10: Developing global citizenship through international service learning experiences in sub-Saharan Africa Mudge, J., Loughlin, C., Ohotnicky, S. and Valdez, K. Marywood University's Third Annual CONQUER Leadership Conference Marywood University, Scranton, PA

2019-10-01: Session authors meet critics for the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) publication, Migration for Mission. Herrmann, J. and Karimi, K. the Society for Scientific Study of Religion Conference St. Louis, MO

2019-05-01: Empowering Catholic sisters to address social and human development challenges in Africa: A non-traditional leadership development approach. Mudge, J., Akruvala, S., Luppino, B., Karimi, K. and Valdez, K. Manuscript accepted for publication.

2019-04-16: The percieved impact of a post-secondary education program on Kenyan Catholic sisters' understanding of their lives as women religious: A case study Lopatofsky, T. Marywood University Graduate Research Symposium Marywood University, Scranton, PA

2019-03-28: The percieved impact of a post-secondary education program on Kenyan Catholic sisters' understanding of their lives as women religious: A case study Lopatofsky, T. Marywood University Dissertation Defense Scranton, PA

2019-03-20: Catholic sisters: An intersectional approach to human development Valdez, K. & Lopatofsky, T. Global Status of Women & Girls Conference Newport News, VA

2019-02-25: The percieved impact of a post-secondary education program on Kenyan Catholic sisters' understanding of their lives as women religious: A case study Lopatofsky, T. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC) Las Vegas, NV

2018-11-14: African Sisters Education Collaborative: Building global sisterhood through holistic cross-cultural collaboration for education access in Africa Akruvala, S., Chukwunenye, A., Shaver, R. & Warrick, N. Consortium for the study of leadership and ethics in education (CSLEE) 23rd Annual Values and Leadership Conference Houston, TX

2018-10-28: The power of sisterhood: Evaluating the impact of African Catholic sisters Lopatofsky, T. & Mudge, J. American Evaluation Association Conference Cleveland, OH

2018-10-26: Redefining leadership roles among women religious in Africa in the 21st century Herrmann, J. & Karimi, K. Society for Scientific Study of Religion Conference Las Vegas, NV

2018-09-26: Collaborating to educate women religious in Africa: The role of tailored higher education in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through ministry Akruvala, S., Lopatofsky, T., Mudge, J. & Shaver, R. International Conference on Sustainable Development New York, NY

2017-10-05: Promoting leadership and ethics in sub-Saharan Africa: Meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals through education Chukwunenye, A., Herrmann, J., Lopatofsky, T. & Shaver, R. Consortium for the study of leadership and ethics in education (CSLEE) 22nd Annual Values and Leadership Conference Los Angeles, CA

2017-09-26: Deconstructing leadership to foster systemic change Akruvala, S., Karimi, K., Luppino, B. & Mudge, J. Human Sciences Institute Conference Salt Lake City, UT

2017-05-01: Women Religious in Africa: Perspectives of Post-Secondary Education in Consecrated Life (Pilot Study) Lopatofsky, T. Marywood PhD Qualitative Research Methods Course Scranton, PA

2017-04-30: Opportunity for the periphery: Using technology to deliver higher education in Africa Wakahiu, J., Shaver, R. & Lopatofsky, T. United States Distance Learning Association Conference Indianapolis, IN

2017-04-10: Deconstructing leadership to reconstruct communities: Implementing a servant leadership development program with women religious in sub-Saharan Africa Karimi, K., Luppino, B. & Mudge, J. Wilkes University and King's College Women's and Gender Studies Conference Wilkes-Barre, PA

2017-04-10: Embracing diversity of women religious in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of tailored higher education in achieving the sustainable development goals through ministry Akruvala, S., Lopatofsky, T., Shaheen, K., Shaver, R. A. & Wimmer, H. Wilkes University and King's College Women's and Gender Studies Conference Wilkes-Barre, PA

2016-03-05: Perceptions and Experiences of Distance Learning for Women Religious in East and West Africa: Case of the HESA Program Wakahiu, J. & Shaver, R. Comparative and International Education Society Vancouver, Canada

2016-03-03: Changing communities through empowered leaders: Evaluating the impact of a leadership development program for women religious in Africa Mudge, J. Global Status of Women & Girls Conference Newport News, VA

2016-03-03: Collaborative partnerships to provide educational access to women religious in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of the Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) project Shaver, R. & Wakahiu, J. Global Status of Women & Girls Conference Newport News, VA

2016-03-03: Identifying constraints and support systems in leadership development for women religious in Africa Christiansen, S. & Christiansen, J. Global Status of Women & Girls Conference Newport News, VA

2015-11-09: Examining Effectiveness of Online Distance Learning Model: Perceptions and Experiences of Female Students Studying in a Hybrid Online Bachelor's Program via a Partnership between an American and African University Wakahiu, J. & Shaver, R. American Evaluation Association Conference Chicago, IL

2015-03-08: Reflections on “Ubuntu”: Experiences Teaching African Catholic Sisters Cabral, G. Comparative and International Education Society Washington D.C

2014-10-30: Overcoming barriers: Building women leaders in Africa via distance learning education Wakahiu, J. Sixteenth International Leadership Association Global Conference San Diego, CA

2014-05-28: Colonized and colonizing: Religious life in Africa. God has begun a great work in us: The embodiment of love in contemporary religious life and new ecclesial movements Wakahiu, J. Sixtieth Annual Convention, College Theology Society South Bend, IN

2014-02-07: Sustainable leadership: Lessons and implications of a leadership development program for women religious in Africa Wakahiu, J. & Salvaterra, M. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC) Las Vegas, NV

2013-09-09: Mentoring: A model of cultivating leadership competencies in Kenyan women leaders Wakahiu, J. Advancing Women Leadership Journal, 33, 132-141