Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Launches “Sister To All” Campaign to Tell Their Stories

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

The Hilton Foundation has launched a Sister To All public awareness campaign to increase visibility and public understanding of the powerful work of Catholic sisters in the United States.

Did you know that 72% of Americans hold Catholic Sisters in high regard, yet have limited understanding of their lifestyle and work?

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation has launched a public awareness campaign, “Sister to All,” that showcases the lives and ministries of Catholic sisters across the United States. “Sister to All” seeks to realign somewhat outdated perceptions of Catholic sisters with current realities of the ways they are improving the lives of millions in remarkable and unexpected ways.


( Los Angeles) Sept. 6, 2016 – The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation today announced the results of a recent market research study that shows that Catholic sisters, while highly respected, remain a mystery to most Americans.

The survey reveals that Catholic sisters are trusted by a significant majority of Americans (73 percent), and even more said their work is important (83 percent). However, the research also showed that perceptions of Catholic sisters are somewhat dated, shaped primarily by fictional stories and the media versus interpersonal encounters. For example, 42 percent of respondents indicated the majority of Catholic sisters today wear habits, 21 percent believe they live in seclusion, and 37 percent thought their work has little or no impact on non - Catholics.

The Hilton Foundation has launched a Sister To All public awareness campaign to increase visibility and public understanding of the powerful work of Catholic sisters in the United States. Key research data findings, along with profiles of featured sisters will be shared on social media by the Hilton Foundation, its grantees and partners. The campaign honors the lives and works of Catholic sisters and is timed to follow the canonization of Mother Teresa on Sept . 4, 2016.

“‘Sister to All’ gives us an opportunity to reveal the positive impact of Catholic sisters in the United States, breaking stereotypes and clarifying misconceptions,” said Sister Rosemarie Nassif, SSND, Ph.D., Director, Catholic Sisters Strategic Initiative at the Hilton Foundation. “Conrad Hilton realized that wherever good things are happening for the marginalized and disadvantaged, there are likely to be sisters not just involved, but making a tremendous positive difference . We hope all who see this campaign will be encouraged to learn more and help us further promote the lives and works of sisters.”


Update: 10-5-16: This campaign resulted in over 13,000 social media interactions (verified likes, shares, comments and retweets).  Together, we promoted understanding and appreciation of Catholic sisters to over 745,000 people! 

The #SisterToAll message was amplified with articles in America Magazine, Global Sisters Report, Aleteia and Philanthropy News Digest – not to mention a live radio interview on Busted Halo and a podcast with UnabridgedPress.

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