A Little Nun - A Poem By Sr. Esther Koros, OSF

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

ASEC Sisters across Africa.

"A Little Nun" is a heartfelt poem by Sr. Esther Koros, OSF, an alumna of ASEC’s SLDI Administration Track celebrating the transformative impact of ASEC on women religious.

There was a little nun at the periphery of the Church,

Unskilled and unschooled giving little for her charge.

Standing by, at the beck and call of the priest,

Waiting and hoping for a better day, a miracle in the least.

And then the miracle came enshrined in ASEC.


The little nun at the periphery, witnessed a sunrise,

A new dawn ambushed her with a miraculous high-rise.

Sprouting taller than her wildest, suppressed dreams,

So that her face shone brighter than the sun beams.

Thank God for the magnificent miracle of ASEC.


The little nun at the periphery located the centre,

She went to school and gained knowledge, such a venture!

She vigorously learned and won accolades, such a genius!

She found ways of earning money, so ingenious!

She found a voice to tell her story, such a raconteur!

She learnt a way to cope with pain, solid character.

Not fish a day, but a fishing net forever, thank you ASEC.


So, the little nun at the periphery, amidst the naysaying fraternity,

Has made many little strides, on the journey to modernity.

The little nun at the periphery stands tall at the centre.

Grasps the amplifier, commands the world, from the centre.

Because she found a miracle enshrined in ASEC.


Now, at 25, the little nun at the periphery,

Cannot stop her tears of joy, beating her past jittery,

Looking at the impossibilities she has conquered,

Musing over the dignity she’s now accorded.


The little nun at the periphery, is the gigantic woman,

Feeding the children, treating the sick, changing the plan,

The little nun at the periphery is every woman religious,

Who looks back at the many perilous years past,

And can’t help but loudly broadcast;

Thank you Mother ASEC for drying my tears!

Be a Ray of Hope

Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Reduce inequality within and among countries
Sr. Esther Jeruto Koros, OSF

Sr. Esther Jeruto Koros, OSF
SLDI Alumna - Kenya  

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