In 2015-6, ASEC entered into an agreement with Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University to bring African sisters to the U.S. for a Visiting Scholar Fellowship. CARA is a national, nonprofit research center that conducts social scientific studies about the Catholic Church. The chosen sister will work and study with CARA to advance their research skills. CARA Executive Director, Rev. Thomas Gaunt, S.J., has been most supportive of the program and the sisters who are participating.
We'd like to introduce to you Sr. Florence Emurayeveya, the second recipient of the Visiting Scholar Fellowship. Sr. Florence is a perpetually professed sister from the religious institute of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (EHJ) in Nigeria. Sr. Florence has a BS in Economics/Adult Education from the University of Benin and received her Masters in Education in 2010 from the University of Lagos, both in Nigeria. She has been the Project Manager of EHJ fro 12 years and has been changing lives through grant writing and efficient supervision of projects. She has been an active alumna of the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) since her completion of the program in 2009.
Sr. Florence will be performing her research at CARA from September 2017-March 2018. She has plans to work on her proposed research topic regarding, "the impact of statistical records and information management on the overall performance of women religious services in Lagos State."
During her fellowship, she will live at Visitation Convent near the CARA offices in Washington, DC and plans to visit ASEC's US Headquarters in December of 2017.
Sr. Florence is preceded by our first Visiting Scholar, Sr. Bibiana M. Ngundo, LSOSF, Ph.D. from Kenya. Sr. Bibiana spent six months advancing her research skills from January-June 2017 at CARA.
Learn more about the ASEC-CARA grant, generously provided by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

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In 2015-2016, ASEC entered into an agreement with Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University to bring African sisters to the U.S. for a Visiting Scholar Fellowship. CARA is a national, nonprofit research center that conducts social scientific studies about the Catholic Church. The chosen sister will work and study with CARA to advance their research skills. ASEC is partnered with CARA to recruitment the sister scholars and engage them in research opportunities, including over one week at its Scranton, PA, office.