Research for a Brighter Future

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

CARA-ASEC Visiting Scholar from India tours a tulip field during her stay at ASEC Headquarters in Scranton, PA, USA.

ASEC’s commitment to research has been the cornerstone of its success, driving program development and shaping the future of education for Catholic sisters in Africa, while its Research Initiative continues to expand knowledge, empower sisters as researchers, and build a central repository of valuable data.

Conducting rigorous research has been a central activity at ASEC since its inception. Thorough investigation into the educational needs of Catholic sisters in Africa is the driving force behind the implementation of each of ASEC’s programs. Historical records consistently demonstrate ASEC’s desire to gather evidence for program planning through research. References to initial data collection and documentation of ASEC’s activities date back to 1999 - with focus group discussions, religious superior surveys, and fact finding tours throughout Africa. Twenty-five years later, these initial research activities have become the foundation upon which ASEC’s Research Initiative was built.  

Today, ASEC’s Research Initiative continues to promote research on Catholic sisters in Africa. The Initiative is designed to increase African women religious’ research skills, provide opportunities for them to engage in research projects, and develop ASEC as a central repository of data related to women religious in Africa.

Through the Research Initiative, ASEC strives to increase the academic literature available on Catholic women religious in Africa and develop sisters as critical investigators. Equipped with investigative skills, sisters will be capable of conducting rigorous research that will strengthen the capacity of their congregations and positively impact human development.

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💜 $3 = You help train a religious Sister for 1 day
💜 $20 = You help train a Sister for 1 week
💜 $85 = You help train a Sister for 1 month
💜 $250 = You help train a Sister for 3 months
💜 $500 = You provide training to a Sister for 6 months
💜 $1,000 = You provide training to a Sister for 1 year

Will you join us and give a gift of education? Donate today and make a difference for years to come. Your impact is a great blessing 💜


Sharing ASEC's Story

In 2023, the ASEC Research Initiative put forth a renewed effort to share ASEC’s story and impact at in-person academic conferences and events. Greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, participation in these types of events was limited in recent years. However, in 2023 ASEC staff was able to present at the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting, Marywood University Research Day, the 2023 HESA Partners Conference, the International Consultative Research Conference, and an Alliance for Catholic Education event. 

Visiting Scholar Fellowship

ASEC continued to strengthen its partnership with CARA at Georgetown University through the delivery of the Visiting Scholar Fellowship.

The ninth visiting scholar was selected from India in January 2023, Sr. Mini Joseph of the Sisters of Jesus Mary Joseph. Sr. Mini visited ASEC US Headquarters from May 8-13, 2023. The tenth visiting scholar was also selected from Malawi, Sr. Gloria Maluwasa of the Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary (SBVM).

As part of the Visiting Scholar partnership, ASEC collaborated with CARA to host the second International Consultative Research (ICR) Conference in Nairobi, Kenya June 18-22, 2023. In total, 27 participants attended the conference including past visiting scholars, directors of religious life research centers from around the globe, and representatives from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, CARA, and ASEC. The conference provided an opportunity to discuss possible future collaborative research projects and plan a research publication related to the outcomes of the Visiting Scholar Fellowship.

Central Repository of Data

Lastly, ASEC has fully integrated all program participant data into a customized organization-wide database. The database allows ASEC to discover new insights into participation trends and has streamlined evaluation processes. ASEC is currently exploring additional ways in which the data can be used to improve program performance and planning.

Be a Ray of Hope

Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Sr. Mini Joseph, JMJ

Sr. Mini Joseph, JMJ
Profiled in article
Visiting Research Scholar - India  

Tara Lopatofsky, PhD, CCLS

Tara Lopatofsky, PhD, CCLS
Senior Program Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation  

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