ASEC Site Visit to Makunka Rural Health Centre

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

ASEC staff from the U.S. with some of the staff at Makunka Rural Health Centre in Livingstone, Zambia.

ASEC staff from the US visited the Makunka Rural Health Centre in Zambia, a clinic that brings services closer to the people.

ASEC staff from the U.S. rejuvenated the people of a secluded community outside of Livingstone, Zambia during their recent visit to the Makunka Rural Health Centre (Makunka). The community was overwhelmed by the love and generosity of ASEC and the individuals who contribute to the program’s success.

Makunka is a health facility that includes a school and church as well as 29 beds to shelter individuals in need of health assistance. The centre also provides space for agricultural activities, encouraging the success of ASEC's contribution to the United Nation's sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Makunka has recorded a number of achievements in its work:

  • improve health services
  • alleviate poverty
  • increase literacy
  • eliminate hunger
  • improve sanitation and water reticulation and
  • amend infrastructure in the region.

Additionally, the centre fulfills spiritual needs that are integral to the development of a person.

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Makunka Health Centre is located in a rural region that lacks a proper network of roads, so the aim of this project is to bring quality services as close to the people as possible.

Makunka Health Centre is located in a rural region that lacks a proper network of roads, so the aim of this project is to bring quality services as close to the people as possible.

Makunka is located in a rural region that lacks a proper network of roads, so the aim of this project is to bring quality services as close to the people as possible. ASEC has enabled sisters to learn skills that promote the success of this project.

Sr. Constancia, a 2012 finance track alumnae, is grateful for the training she received through ASEC.

“The knowledge I gained has been put to use from the initial stage of the clinic to its growth and success by maintaining the account books and ensuring that funds are used for their intended purposes. I thank sponsors and staff for continuing to sponsor sisters in Africa.”

ASEC Executive Director Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia revealed on her stay at Makunka that while other people migrated to the cities, sisters migrate to rural areas because that is where the greatest need of services exists. Sr. Draru is grateful to ASEC for giving the sisters additional skills required to help them settle where services are most needed. She is proud of sisters like Sr. Constancia for seizing the opportunities ASEC has provided her with and utilizing them to help those in need.

“It’s not that ASEC is coming to create something new, but that it’s a companion. Sisters already have some qualifications, but ASEC adds to them, giving them more capabilities through creativity and innovations that come with training.”

Before departing from Zambia, Sr. Draru thanked the staff of Makunka for their collaboration and commitment to service as well as their willingness to settle in rural communities and share their skills.     

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Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Sr. Juliana Chibaula Zulu, RGS

Sr. Juliana Chibaula Zulu, RGS
Director – Zambia  

Mackenzie Macneal

Mackenzie Macneal
ASEC Web Content Intern - USA  

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