ASEC's Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program, provides opportunities for sisters to access higher education (diploma, undergraduate and master’s degrees). HESA is delivered through partnerships with higher education institutions in Africa and online in the U.S.
It’s with great pleasure that we announce the academic achievements of several HESA sister-students who recently graduated from Veritas University, an ASEC partner institution in Abuja, Nigeria. Five sisters received awards at the January 30, 2021 graduation ceremony to acknowledge their status as “best in class” in their respective academic departments.
The sisters graduated with 32 HESA peers who received Bachelors or Masters degrees, totaling 37 students. Thirteen of these students, including four of the students who earned department awards, began their academic journeys at U.S. partner institutions Chestnut Hill College and Rosemont College as part of HESA’s online-onsite hybrid program.

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Read It Now »Receiving Head of Department Awards for the Best Graduating Student: Sr. Tolulope in Education Foundations (First Class Honors), Sr. Mildred in Religious Studies (Second Class Honors) and Sr. Gloria in Business Administration.
Meet the Award Recipients
Sr. Tolulope Elizabeth Babalola, DHS, Education Foundations
Sr. Tolulope, Daughters of the Holy Spirit (DHS), joined HESA in 2016 through the Chestnut Hill College-Veritas University online-onsite program and received her Bachelors in Education. She was awarded the Head of Department Award for the Best Graduating Student in Education Foundations. Sr. Tolulope was also awarded First Class Honors. Sr. Tolulope thanked her lecturers for “helping [her] discover the potentials hidden in [her].” Sr. Tolulope reflects on her graduation and said that she is “rejoicing for graduating with first class and being the best graduating student… [she] encourages all students out there to work hard, study, be committed, and remain focused.”
Sr. Mildred Kaneng Pwajok, OLF, Religious Studies
Sr Mildred, Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima (OLF), joined HESA in 2017 and received her Bachelors of Arts in Religious Studies. She was awarded the Head of Department Award for the Best Graduating Student in Religious Studies. She was also awarded Second Class Honors. Sr. Mildred reflected on the difficulties of being the only student in her program, stating that she had to be “spontaneous” and “hard-working.” Sr. Mildred expressed gratitude for this award as a tribute to the “opportunities that [she] enjoyed”. Sr. Mildred hopes that she “represented [herself] and the congregation well."
Sr. Gloria Jacinta Adoga, SSND, Business Administration
Sr. Gloria, School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND), joined HESA in 2016 through the Rosemont College-Veritas University online-onsite program and received her Bachelors in Business Administration. She was awarded the Head of Department Award for the Best Graduating Student in Business Administration. Sr. Gloria stated, “My religious and biological families, ASEC/HESA, my classmates, lecturers and all the different mentors I met… are elements that have aided my academic growth.”
Receiving Head of Department Awards for the Best Graduating Student: Sr. Bridget in Public Administration and Sr. Juliana in Art and Social Science Education.
Sr. Bridget Eze, CM, Public Administration
Sr. Bridget, Carmelite Missionaries (CM), joined HESA in 2016 through the Rosemont College-Veritas University online-onsite program and received a Bachelors in Business Administration. She was awarded the Head of Department Award for the Best Graduating Student in Public Administration. Sr. Bridget reflected on her experience as a student as a “wide horizon opened before [her]”. Sr. Bridget said that her success was a product of creating a goal to “work hard and achieve a good grade while maintaining [her] religious values and integrity.”
Sr. Juliana Okafor, SHCJ, Art and Social Science Education
Society of the Holy Child Jesus (SHCJ), joined HESA in 2016 through the Rosemont College-Veritas University online-onsite program and after prior experiences in online courses hosted by Harvard University and MIT. Sr. Juliana received her Bachelors in Business Administration and was awarded the Head of Department Award for the Best Graduating Student in Art and Social Science Education. Sr. Juliana recalled that economics is her “ideal course” and a “dream come true.” Sr. Juliana attributed her “philosophy of life and honesty,” her congregation, and HESA’s effort and scholarship for her success.
On behalf of all of ASEC, we would like to congratulate Sisters Tolulope, Mildred, Gloria, Bridget and Juliana in their academic excellence and well-earned graduation awards. May your awards propel you to further success in your academic careers and apostolates.