On July 25, 2013 a Framework of Reference was signed between ASEC and St. Augustine University - Tanzania (SAUT) creating the second partnership in higher education for the HESA program.
Fr. Thaddeus Mkamwa, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academics at Saint Augustine University (back middle) stands together with Sister Rosemarie Nassif, SSND, Director of the Catholic Sisters Initiative at the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. In front row, students and others at SAUT together with Sr. Lina Wanjiku, ASEC Director for East Africa, Sr. Bonita, Executive Secretary for TCAS, Sr. Priscilla, Bursar for TCAS, and Sr. Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF and ASEC Executive Director.
St. Augustine University will be host to sisters studying within the frame of the HESA program in Tanzania; sisters will follow Model B and study in person while they pursue their bachelor's degree in Education there. It is expected that sisters will receive their degrees in three years, graduating in 2016.
Fr. Thaddeus Mkamwa, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academics at Saint Augustine University signs the Framework of Reference
Sr. Jane Wakahiu and Sr. Rosemarie listen attentively at the meeting for signing the Framework of Reference at SAUT