The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Board conducted a Site Visit to the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) alumnae ministry at Chipapa, Zambia. Four alumnae of the the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary have transformed Chipapa by introducing improved agricultural activities, land rehabilitation, and training for self-sufficiency. The Chipapa project was created in 2010 and seats on 23 hectares of land. The sisters are running the Holy Rosary Sisters Training Center for Empowerment and Development to serve the people of Chipapa, who live scattered among villages between 6 and 18km from the Center.
The projects serve the surrounding community, which includes: a center for training girls in tailoring and catering; a bakery specialized in making bread, scones and altar bread (hosts) that are sold throughout Zambia, and a dairy farm.
SLDI alumnae are maximally utilizing the skills acquired in the program - Sr. Catherine Oguonu: Sr. Catherine is an SLDI Administration Track Alumna. She is the local superior and coordinator of the programs at Chipapa. Sr. Nkiruka Roseline Onwu: Sr. Nkiruka is an SLDI Finance Track Alumna. She is Assistant Project Coordinator. Sr. Pauline Ohalla: Sr. Pauline is an SLDI Finance Track Alumna. She serves as Program Accountant.
In addition, the board attended a live SLDI class, met and interacted with the HESA and SLDI alumnae at the Kalundu Study Center, Lusaka, Zambia.