HESA is recruiting sisters for onsite programs at to begin August and September 2015
HESA is currently recruiting sisters to enroll in onsite programs at Saint Augustine University College (SAUT), Mwanza, Tanzania; Kisubi Brothers University College, Kisubi, Uganda; and Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. Students admitted to these programs will begin courses in August and September 2014, as well as participate in an orientation prior to the start of classes.
In Tanzania, ASEC developed a partnership with Saint Augustine University, Mwanza, offering a degree program. HESA is seeking applicants for third cohort of 8 sisters to begin classes in September 2015. Sisters may pursue a Bachelor’s in business administration degree, which is three-year, or Bachelor’s degree in education, which is also three-year program.
ASEC’s partnership in Uganda is with Kisubi Brothers University College (KBUC). ASEC is seeking a second cohort of 8 sisters to begin classes in September 2015. Sisters may pursue a Bachelor’s in business administration degree, which is a three-year program.
Finally, for ASEC’s partnership with Chemchemi, HESA is recruiting sisters from Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, Malawi, Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Cameroon, and South Sudan, for a second cohort of 5 sisters to enroll in a degree program in Cathechetical Studies. Sisters may pursue a Bachelor’s degree in theology or Catechetical Studies. They will begin in August 2015.
For more information, contact HESA program coordinator, Ms. Rosemary Shaver, [email protected].