Acquiring skills for more effective leadership with SLDI administration training

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Nigerian sisters took an educational field trip to Tenti Green Farm, Vom, Plateau State.

Twenty-seven women religious from twenty-three congregations participated in the ASEC-SLDI Administrative track training from June 4 to July 1, 2017 at the Institute for Formators, Du – Jos, Plateau State.

Many religious women from various congregations in Nigeria are beneficiaries of the June 2017 Administrative course program run by ASEC-SLDI in IFF Du, Jos. Working in partnership with Nigeria Catholic Women Religioius (NCWR), ASEC-SLDI provides access to education for Catholic Sisters in Africa. With a qualitative education, these women religious become qualified to serve as teachers as well as in healthcare, spiritual and social service ministries in their countries.

The SLDI Administration Workshop instructors were Mr. Abraham Chunu and Mrs. Helen Chunu. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chunu teach using the experiential and participatory learning approach, and have been collaborating with ASEC-SLDI for ten years. In the past they delivered lectures to SLDI participants in Ghana.

In weeks one and two of the training, sisters learned about leadership and human resource management. Some of the topics covered were stewardship and accountability, mentoring relationships, fostering effective writing skills, performance appraisal, succession planning, labor laws, staff training and recruitment, employee record keeping and industrial relations.

In weeks three and four, sisters learned strategic planning and grant writing skills. Practical exercises in grant proposal writing were done in medical, formation, pastoral and educational groups. They also learned computer application skills such as PowerPoint and Google image search. The sisters also learned how to create successful grant proposals, check stakeholder analyses, resolve management issues, network with others and create financial reports.

During the program, the sisters split into social, welfare, liturgy and report teams. Each team carried out their task with diligence and dedication.

These skills helped the sisters understand the importance of strategic planning, vision development and adherence to mission statements and core values. The training helped the sisters develop competency skills for leadership effectiveness and service accountability. Towards the end of the program some sisters were already demonstrating skills taught during the training.

In the future, the skills learned will better able the sisters to administer projects and programs that offer solutions to problems about education, poverty, health, and general societal challenges.

Overall, the training went well. Mr. and Mrs. Chunu, testified to the eagerness of the participants and their readiness to learn by sharing their experiences, asking intelligent questions, and being active participants during class and group discussion. The last day of the training, participants was shared their practical experiences in mentoring. After filling out their post-evaluation forms, the training came to a close with a social get together, exchange of gifts, and revelations of secret friends.

Sisters attending the SLDI Nigeria Administration I Workshop in Jos also took educational field trips to the National Institute of Political and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) and Tenti Green Farm.

Sisters Words

Here is what some of the participants had to say when asked, What impact has the ASEC-SLDI program made in your life? How will you use it to make a difference in the life of others?

"With this training I am going to explore and discover more. I came as an apprentice, but I am going home with more skills to work at the Vocational Centre and in my community. I now have more knowledge and wisdom to help groups, societies and organizations to draw up their strategic plan and project proposal. I am going away with much joy and contentment." - Sr. Francoise Ndayo, IJ

"I gained a lot of knowledge and valuable skills during the training, such as the concept of strategic planning and mentoring relationship. However, the most valuable skills that have impacted me the most are the basics of human resource management, performance appraisal and the importance of employee records. I will mentor these aforementioned new knowledge with some Sisters, and lay people in leadership and management position. I will also encourage them to mentor others in different aspects of life." - Sr. Juliana Kemi Osiyemi, EHJ

"I have been reminded of some things l know and have gained new knowledge. I am different from the way l came. I will use some of the skills from my course on Management in Nursing and teach my Sisters what I have learned." - Sr. Perpetua Oloba, SSL"The Program has encouraged me to develop an interest in acquiring knowledge especially in Leadership. I will impart what I learned to anyone who is willing and who shall accept me as their mentor on effective Leadership." - Sr. Priscilla Asogwa, OSC

"The ASEC-SLDI Program has opened my eyes, mind, and intellect. It has built me up with tools of how to be a good mentor, how to lead, and how to effectively manage with vision, a mission, goals and objectives. Therefore, I will use this knowledge which I have acquired to mentor, lead, and teach. I will also organize and work with my Sisters and others to improve, build and transform my apostolate/Institution." - Sr. Regina Ojakere, HHCJ

"The ASEC-SLDI Program was really an eye opener for me. It has made me a better person with a stronger, positive mind set. I will use it to make a difference in the life of others through mentoring and practicing what I was taught these past months." - Sr. Bernadette Amajuoyi, SSH

"The ASEC-SLDI Program has exposed me to ICT skill acquisition and knowledge. I feel well equipped on how best to go about my administrative work. I will use this knowledge to restructure the administrative system in any young school especially in documentation. I will make use of PowerPoint and other computer skills in my pastoral activities among children and younger sisters in my community." - Sr. Rachel, CSSP"

"The program has been so resourceful and useful for me. I will use it to bring about positive changes in others by mentoring and developing others in my apostolate." - Sr. Susan Jegede, SSMA

"It has been a very enriching period, it has widened and broadened my horizon on management and improved my ability on basic technology. It has enabled me to see some mistakes I have made as a leader and has equipped me with the necessary skills to be better. I will implement all that I have learned." - Sr. Chinyere Nwosu, MSHR

"This program has empowered me and filled me with a sense of confidence and hope for a better tomorrow. I hope to also empower others by sharing the vision, the dreams, the skills and give them a sense of confidence so that together we make a difference." - Sr. Maureen Ahyuwa, OLF

"The ASEC-SLDI program was really an eye opener. It allowed me to develop my place of assignment and community. I will make use of all the skills by mentoring those around me." - Sr. Mary Danladi, OP

"The ASEC-SLDI program has really helped me to be firm in my society by building my virtue of integrity. It has showed me how to work well with people and how to communicate and manage resources well. I am happy that I was part of the ASEC-SLDI program because of all I have learned and I am ready to go back and teach all that come my way, both through directing and mentoring." - Sr. Marilyn Ogwuche, DDL

"The program has really empowered me on how to do proposal writing and human resource management. I hope to extend this knowledge to my Sisters, staff and people I come in contact with." - Sr. Chidalu Kelechi Ohalete, PHCJ

"The ASEC-SLDI administrative track program has positively changed my view about my apostolate and religious life. I will now be able to do administrative work better. The presentation of my reports will be more enriching and attractive with my new knowledge. This will encourage understanding from my Sisters and staff." - Sr. Gloria Akeme, OSF

Sisters pose for a group photo in front of the NIPPS Centre of Exellence for Political Parties Studies. With the sisters are Mr. Yakubu Ishaya Labbo, Assistant Chief Executive Officer Protocol (wearing tan) and Mr. Ayuba Yohanna, Executive Officer, Special Duty (wearing blue).

Sisters pose for a group photo in front of the NIPPS Centre of Exellence for Political Parties Studies. With the sisters are Mr. Yakubu Ishaya Labbo, Assistant Chief Executive Officer Protocol (wearing tan) and Mr. Ayuba Yohanna, Executive Officer, Special Duty (wearing blue).

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Sr. Juliana Kemi Osiyemi, EHJ

Sr. Juliana Kemi Osiyemi, EHJ
SLDI Participant, Administrative Track - Nigeria  

Sr. Chidalu Kelechi Ohalete, PHJC
SLDI Participant, Administration Track - Nigeria  

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