Some years back, our Provincial Superior shared interesting news with us concerning the plans and concerns of major superiors. Formation and empowering sisters in our respective congregations was a priority for many superiors. They knew what they needed and where they wanted to go.
But, the problem was how to get there.
She spoke of the efforts that they were making to reach their goals:
They united forces by coming together each region or diocese (depending on the size of the region).
Sisters met, shared ideas and reflected on their life as consecrated women and their mission.
These efforts led to a wider grouping which gave birth to Tanzania Catholic Association of Sisters (TCAS). We quickly realized that this was not the problem of Tanzania alone, but of Africa as a whole. Each country was struggling to resolve this difficulty. Then, God began showering blessings on his servants who trusted in his providence.
I am fascinated about God’s intervention and that is what I would like to share with the readers of this article. Truly his ways are not our ways. God touched the hearts of the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) founders and inspired them to partner with African sisters, helping them to fulfill their need to empower their members. What a wonderful gift for African sisters!
As time went on I began hearing about ASEC and the magnificent work they were doing.
From darkness to light
Some sisters from my Congregation were sent for Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) programs offered by ASEC. They came back happy, carrying new laptops and more confidence. They had a great desire to serve their brothers and sisters wherever they were sent. I envied them and prayed that my day will come.
Yes, it finally came!
Basic Computer Technology Workshop
Last year I was privileged to attend the Basic Computer Technology workshop. I had minimum computer knowledge. I amused myself like a little child in class. I admired the intelligence of a computer. I was trying to trap the mouse, I lost my work many times and I rejoiced when it did what I wanted it to do. I did not give up when I lagged behind for I was determined to acquire some knowledge. I helped knowing that I was not alone in this struggle. Many of us in the class were in the same boat.
It was my turn to go home happy and content from the knowledge I gained during that one month of learning how to use a computer. This knowledge has helped me in many ways in my work. I am able to do some work on the computer instead of doing it manually. My work is neat and it saves time and energy. It has boosted my morale. Although in a small scale, I know I am now moving with the rest of the world in the use of modern technology.
Financial Management Workshop
The blessings of the Lord are still abundant! On the 12th August this year 2017 we reported at Holistic Education Center for another month of workshop. This time we were offered a course on financial management.
The first week of the workshop each one of us received a brand new laptop. You cannot imagine the joy we carried in our hearts. You should have seen us going in and out of class carrying our laptops like important and educated people. This gift came to us through our benefactors who are constantly thinking of ways to free us from ignorance and to raise our level of education. We can never thank them enough for their, sacrifices, thoughtfulness and loving concern.
Each one of us came to this course with different expectations. I was longing to understand some financial concepts to help improve my current work as a bursar of a school. I can confidently say that I am clearer about my work than before attending the workshop. I understand what is behind certain terminologies like bank reconciliation, trial balance, balance sheet and more. With more practice I will be able to do my work with more clarity and assurance.
Mentoring others
Sharing is a value that all of us must foster. We have received much so we must share much. As we go back to our respective communities, I feel the obligation of helping others learn some skills that will improve their work. I extend my services to those who need help. For example, by typing their work or teaching them how to do it on the computer.
I am glad that our benefactors have encouraged us to do so through the mentoring program. I will do my best to do it but not to be limited to three sisters. The need for mentoring is great in my workplace and in my community.
Field trip
During the workshop, I had the opportunity of visiting Bigwa Sisters’ Seminary where ASEC is sponsoring some sisters for advanced secondary education. It was another opportunity to admire the kindness of our benefactors. They are not only given formal education but also formation towards self-reliance. They have different projects; animal husbandry, vegetable gardens, producing their own food. All of these projects help to run the school.

Read Rays of Hope
Learn more about Catholic Sisters transforming poor, rural communities across Africa in our FREE Rays of Hope ebook.
Read It Now »Sr. Constansia Maria Mosha, R.A. (in front) during the SLDI Finance Track II field trip to Bigwa Seminary Secondary School in Morogoro, Tanzania.
Full of gratefulness
We came to the end of the session, which is a time to sit down and gather the fruits of this God given gift.
I thank God for this opportunity.
I thank the whole team of ASEC for their dream which is being realized in our congregations.
I thank our Mother Superiors in TCAS for sending us to these workshops.
I thank the Holistic Education Center for hosting us.
I thank our facilitators for their creativity in instructing us.
And, I thank my classmates who made the workshop enjoyable through mutual support.
I thank everyone involved for the blessings upon blessings we have received because of ASEC’s programs.