Empowered to Lead: ASEC-SLDI, the Catalyst for My Personal Growth

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Sr. Rebecca mentoring some members of the leadership team in finance skills

Through ASEC’s Sister Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) Finance Course, Sr. Rebecca Adhiambo Otieno, MI, gained critical financial management skills that empower her to lead with confidence, ensure transparency, and strengthen the sustainability of her congregation’s mission.

As ASEC celebrates its Silver Jubilee, I reflect on my personal experience and the profound impact that it has made through the Sister Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) Finance Course. This has been a true catalyst, refining my skills and knowledge to effectively serve as Delegate Superior. The SLDI Finance curriculum was a thoughtfully designed to suit all. I found myself quickly gaining proficiency with essential financial tools like Excel and QuickBooks. What I once felt like a foreign language became a powerful skillset that directly enhanced my capabilities in my role.

These skills have instilled a deep sense of duty to uphold trust within our community, and with each session, I felt my commitment to ethical decision-making strengthening. This was not merely theoretical learning; it was a foundation that underpins every action I now take as a leader. Today, I no longer simply approve expenses; I consider how each expenditure aligns with our mission and how it best serves those we care for. The role of the congregational leaders in finance revealed the true potential of collaborative decision-making. This insight has enriched our council meetings, fostering a sense of collective accountability and mutual support. I came to appreciate that leadership thrives in unity, where shared knowledge and open dialogue strengthen our community’s purpose.

Strategic planning and financial sustainability expanded my vision for the congregation’s future. This foresight is crucial to ensuring that our congregation remains a source of compassion and care for generations to come. Each topic deepened my understanding of financial responsibilities, moving beyond mere cheque-signing to a comprehensive grasp of why and how we allocate resources. I no longer feel intimidated by financial discussions or terms used by auditors. This journey has left me empowered with lasting insights, ready to lead with wisdom, clarity, and compassion. The knowledge and skills I’ve gained have not only strengthened my role but also equipped me to be a mentor to the sisters I work with. I look forward to what lies ahead and pray that many more sisters can embark on this transformative journey.

Empower a Sister. Strengthen a Congregation.

Financial literacy is essential for the sustainability of religious congregations and the communities they serve. By sponsoring a Sister’s education, you equip her with the tools to manage resources wisely, foster accountability, and lead with integrity. Your support ensures that congregations remain strong for generations to come.

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

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