I am thrilled by the generosity of ASEC, program which offered me a chance to study some important skills in Sisters Leadership Development Initiative. Empowerment in communication, project writing, digital literacy, problem solving skills, critical thinking and accountability just to mention but a few changed my perspective of life and challenge experienced by religious congregations in Africa. The most exciting was the provision of a laptop, a gadget that enables me to accomplish by variety of tasks in my vocation and mission.
After my SLDI empowerment I was posted at Isiolo located in the North-Eastern part of Kenya. which is a semi-arid region that faces significant challenges such as widespread poverty and inadequate acecss to water. With the knowledge gained, I sourced for funds from Hilton Fund for Sisters which facilitated borehole sinking, install solar panels to pump water and put up two storage water tanks for the community-USD 19000. The community was thrilled to have water and he sisters embarked on vegetable farming subsidizes, they also share with the community.
There was need to put up a convent to ensure the sisters were within the community that they ministered. I wrote some proposals and obtained funding from Missio, Missionaries Sister of St Peter Cleaver and aid the church in need. The convent was built and it is in existence. The elephants from the Game Park became a nuisance prompting me to write a proposal for the construction of perimeter fence. The funds were obtained from FONDO or Episcopal Conference of Spain.-USD 10000.
In conclusion, we are looking forward to helping the community to embrace education through provision of classroom which will reduce illiteracy among the locals and alleviate poverty level poverty of the locals. All these were courtesy of ASEC through skills gained in Resource Mobilization and Grant Proposal Writing.