Mission Advancement 2023 Year in Review

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Clockwise from top left: Sr. Kathryn Clauss, IHM, presents at ASEC’s Night of Storytelling, Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, networks at ACCU Annual Meeting, ASEC staff visits the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In 2023, ASEC continued to empower Catholic sisters in Africa through training and education while expanding its outreach and preparing for its 25th Anniversary amid global challenges.

The year 2023 began with great enthusiasm as we all strived to go back to “normal” after enduring the effects of a global pandemic. However, new challenges emerged as we faced the uncertainties of war and high inflation that affected the global economy. Looking back, we see how, building on the trend of resilience through experiences, the sisters in Africa continued to use their training and innovation to offer services in their societies amidst these emerging challenges. It is that resilience and determination that motivates us at ASEC to work even harder to provide the sisters in Africa with opportunities for training and education that will enable them to gain the skills they most need to provide quality services in their societies.

Rays of Hope ebook

Read Rays of Hope

Learn more about Catholic Sisters transforming poor, rural communities across Africa in our FREE Rays of Hope ebook.

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Mission Advancement Efforts 2022-2023

Mission Advancement Efforts 2022-2023

In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, ASEC made great strides towards mission advancement. As part of our Path to Sustainability Initiative, efforts were made to share our story to new and varied audiences. ASEC hosted five networking events with attendees from across the country. In addition, ASEC presented at the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities’ (ACCU) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., U.S. We also held our first “Night of Storytelling” event, where four African Catholic sisters were able to share their compelling stories with many individuals that had never before heard about the amazing work Catholic sisters are doing for the people of Africa.

Left: Director of Development, Sr. Nancy Kamau, LSOSF, and ASEC Executive Director, Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, share the mission of ASEC at LCWR.
Right: This year’s LCWR theme was Drawn by Sacred Mystery: A Journey into Hope. ASEC networked with sisters from across the U.S.

Left: Director of Development, Sr. Nancy Kamau, LSOSF, and ASEC Executive Director, Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, share the mission of ASEC at LCWR. Right: This year’s LCWR theme was Drawn by Sacred Mystery: A Journey into Hope. ASEC networked with sisters from across the U.S.

ASEC will celebrate its 25th Anniversary in 2024. This offers us an opportunity for reflection on our history in light of our mission and vision, as we look back at the beginnings, the accomplishments, the challenges, and the resilience of ASEC’s programs and celebrate this milestone. It is a great time to recognize ASEC’s corporate members, tell our story, and celebrate our achievements over the last 25 years.

Thank you for your generosity and support for ASEC’s mission. YOU are a part of ASEC! Because of you, ASEC is able to continue to serve sisters in Africa, enhancing their ministries and allowing them to serve with confidence.

Support ASEC's Mission

Because of YOU, our annual contributions have continued to increase gradually, enabling us to support many more sisters in Africa with the training they need to offer quality services. Thank you for your generous support!

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Sr. Nancy Kamau, LSOSF, MBA, M.Ed.

Sr. Nancy Kamau, LSOSF, MBA, M.Ed.
Development Director, Mission Advancement  

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