Two sisters enter bridging course at CUEA

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Sisters Mary Rose Koech and Mary Annett Namara study their coursework.

Two students who were to enter the HESA program in spring 2013 were delayed in their studies because they did not meet certain requirements set by the government of Kenya in regards to the core teaching concentration for university students. Instead, sisters Mary Rose Koech and Mary Annett Namara were given provisional entrance to the Catholic University of Eastern Africa subject to completion of a required bridging courses, at which point their status will be elevated to full admission to the BA degree program.

Sr. Mary Rose signs her bridge course agreement May 2013
Sr. Mary Rose signs her bridge course agreement May 2013

The Pre-University program is a one year course whose objective is to upgrade secondary school leavers to attain university entry to pursue bachelors’ programs. The Course is divided into two semesters. The bridging course began May 2, 2013 and will last until July 2013 with a second session taking place Jan-April 2014. It is held at CUEA.

Sr. Mary Annet signs her bridge course agreement May 2013
Sr. Mary Annet signs her bridge course agreement May 2013

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