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ASEC’s accomplishments in Africa parallel what the sisters did for the immigrant populations in the United States more than 100 years ago. Courageously, the founders of ASEC started with nothing, yet their trust in God and desire to support their colleagues in Africa has had far reaching effects.

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May 20: New Associate Member: Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dubuque, IA

March 29: New Associate Member: Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, Quebec, Canada

2019 Partnership Renewals, HESA Program
MOU Renewal University of Kisubi, Uganda / Rosemont College / ASEC (June)
FOR Renewal (4 years) Veritas University, Nigeria / ASEC (August)
FOR Renewal (4 years) Catholic University of Malawi / ASEC (September 18)
FOR Renewal (4 years) Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda / ASEC (October 8)

MOU Rosemont College / Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)

June 12: MOU Rosemont College / Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)
Hybrid: Online (Rosemont) / Onsite (CUEA) - Sisters in Kenya can transfer from Rosemont to CUEA Business Administration (Bachelor's) program.

March 13: FOR Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB), Cameroon / ASEC

2018 Partnership Renewals, HESA Program
FOR Renewal (4 years) Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Kenya / ASEC (January 16)
FOR Renewal (4 years) St. Augustine University, Tanzania / ASEC (July)
FOR Renewal (4 years) Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG) / ASEC (July)
FOR Renewal (4 years) Catholic University of South Sudan / ASEC (July)

MOU African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) / Jordan University College (JUCO)

October 15: MOU African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) / Jordan University College (JUCO)
Sisters can pursue their studies at JUCO beginning in Phase III of the HESA program

August 2: MOU Rosemont College / University of Kisubi
To expand the online-onsite Bachelor of Business Administration degree program offered by Rosemont College.

Partners Workshops in Kenya and Ghana

June: Partners Workshops in Kenya and Ghana
Three-day Partners Workshops took place in Kenya and Ghana, bringing together 70 key SLDI stakeholders to collaborate and prepare for the fifth phase of the program.

March: MOU Rosemont College / Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG)
To expand the online-onsite Bachelor of Business Administration degree program offered by Rosemont College.

September: FOR Renewal (4 years) Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute / ASEC

MOU Rosemont College / Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG)

MOU Rosemont College / Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG)

FOR Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate / ASEC

December 6: FOR Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate / ASEC
CARA and ASEC initiate a collaborative project of Visiting Scholars at CARA through a grant funded by Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. ASEC identifies Catholic Sisters in Africa as candidates for the Visiting Scholar program and the selected Sister Scholar joins CARA's research team for a six month fellowship in Washington, DC to develop her skills in applied research. Learn more...

The first SLDI Basic Technology training is held in Lesotho.

September: The first SLDI Basic Technology training is held in Lesotho.
A computer lab is established and a coordinator is hired to support the programs in Lesotho. ASEC partners with Conference of Major Superiors, Lesotho.

MOU Rosemont College / Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC) Bamenda

July 05: MOU Rosemont College / Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC) Bamenda
Hybrid: Online (Rosemont) / Onsite (CUCB)

June 14: FOR Monze program

June 14: FOR National University of Lesotho (NUL)

MOU Rosemont College / Veritas University College

May 03: MOU Rosemont College / Veritas University College

April 05: FOR Holy Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College-Berekum, Ghana

March 18: FOR Sacred Heart School of Nursing

March 10: FOR Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS)

March 07: FOR St. Francis Hospital Nsambya Training School

March 07: FOR Mwenge University College of Education (MWUCE) in Moshi

March 01: FOR Uganda Martyrs University (UMU)

December 17: FOR Regina Pacis University
During Sr. Jane site visit

December 14: FOR Zambia Catholic University (ZCU)
During Sr. Jane site visit

December 10: FOR Catholic University of Malawi
During Sr. Jane site visit

December 03: FOR Renewal (4 years) Tangaza University College / ASEC
Renewal from 2013 FOR

November 15: FOR Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC) Bamenda / ASEC
During Sr. Jane site visit

September 24: MOU Chestnut Hill College / Veritas university College
Hybrid: Online (Chestnut Hill) / Onsite (Veritas)

September 01: FOR Veritas University College / ASEC
During Sr. Jane site visit

FOR Catholic University of Ghana (CUCG)

July 11: FOR Catholic University of Ghana (CUCG)
to serve sisters, particularly in Ghana and Nigeria, and provide them with educational opportunities through CUCG

MOU Marywood University / Kisubi Borthers University College

June 11: MOU Marywood University / Kisubi Borthers University College
Hybrid: Online (Marywood / Onsite (Kisubi)

January 20: FOR Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute

January 20: FOR Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)

January 06: FOR Kisubi Brothers University College

MOU Marywood / Kisubi Brothers University College (KBUC)

January 06: MOU Marywood / Kisubi Brothers University College (KBUC)
Onsite Model, electronic signing

FOR Tangaza University College

FOR Catholic University of South Sudan

MOU Chestnut Hill College / Catholic University of Ghana (CUG)

October 31: MOU Chestnut Hill College / Catholic University of Ghana (CUG)
Hybrid: Online (Chestnut Hill / Onsite (CUG)

July 25: FOR Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) / ASEC

MOU Marywood University / Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)

September 02: MOU Marywood University / Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)
Hybrid: Online (Marywood / Onsite (CUEA)

Tanzania Conference Association of Sisters (TCAS) partners with ASEC
TCAS partners with ASEC to support the Bigwa School to upgrade to "A" level status in order to provide high school education to women religious. (This is the first step toward initiating ASEC's Scholarship Program in 2012.)