African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Be a Ray of Hope

Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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Accounting for Quality Healthcare in Ghana

Sr. Mavis Ackaah Mensah, SIJ leverages her knowledge gained from the SLDI program and accounting skills to enhance healthcare quality and financial stability.

First SLDI Participant Impacts Thousands Annually in Kenya

Utilizing skills from her SLDI training, Sr. Lucy Kanjira Kirichia, RGS, a member of the first SLDI cohort in 2007, has expanded to serving over 1,600 individuals, demonstrating the profound impact of her dedication and the SLDI program on her community.

Excellent Education: Celebrating HESA Graduation Ceremonies in 2023

The Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program has helped education for women religious in Africa make strides, despite education for women in Africa facing significant barriers. In 2023, over 200 sisters graduated from HESA programs, overcoming challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic and contributing to their communities’ development and gender equality.

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