Liberation from the burden of HIV/AIDS in Malawi

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Sisters offer training support groups to the Bembeke community of individuals diagnosed HIV positive. Here a sister demonstrates food preparation using local resources for healthy living.

ASEC not only aids the marginalized, but has been a key component in helping the Teresian Sisters realize their congregation's charism of liberation.

In September, 2017, the Teresian Sisters visited Kungumbe village in Malawi to empower the village with a variety of skills for self-sustainability and happy living. Sisters assisted in the preparation of nutritious foods from local resources. As a result, over 40 families benefited. 

Because of the project's success, group village headman Kungumbe asked the sisters to provide training all the villages in his locality. Now, Teresian Sisters are working with more than 200 HIV/AIDS positive individuals in five support groups throughout their community. 

Sisters serving in Malawi's marginalized communities see that they are better able to work with the less privileged because of the knowledge they have gained from ASEC's Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) program. The sisters see themselves as the channels through which ASEC indirectly reaches the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals in Africa. 

Because of the Teresian Sisters, those bound in the slavery of poverty through the HIV/AIDS pandemic are now empowered, and they can live a healthy life in accord with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Zero Hunger (SDG 2) and Good Health and Well Being (SDG 3).

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A Teresian sister demonstrating how to prepare fresh juice.

A Teresian sister demonstrating how to prepare fresh juice.

The Teresian Sisters congregation was founded by Bishop Mathurino Guilleme in 1929 with the aim of liberating people from different modes of slavery. The community of Teresian sisters of Bembeke in Dedza Diocese, Malawi, are tirelessly working with the marginalized as a way of fulfilling their charism of liberation. Teresian Sisters serve in Malawi and Zambia. They work in hospitals, schools, pastoral work, social work and even administration.

Through the leadership training offered to the sisters, ASEC not only aids the marginalized, but has been a key component in helping the sisters realize their congregation's charism of liberation.

Liberating HIV/AIDS victims

The Teresian Sisters see themselves as the channels by which ASEC indirectly reaches the less privileged. With an education, sisters are better able to work with the less privileged and make a bigger impact.

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Sr. Teresa Mulenga, TS

Sr. Teresa Mulenga, TS
Programs Coordinator – Malawi  

Sr. Loretta Mulry, IHM

Sr. Loretta Mulry, IHM
Volunteer Editor - USA  

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