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ASEC staff visited Sr. Harriet at Nkozi Hospital in June, 2019. Since then, she's been working towards improving healthcare for the vulnerable and organizing events to raise funds for a much needed Accident, Emergency and Trauma Center.

Hospital in Uganda with Mission to Serve the Vulnerable

Aug 10, 2020: [Uganda] success Nursing Director and ASEC alumna Sr. Harriet is a driving force behind Nkozi Hospital's mission and vision for the future.

You can help improve and sustain the vitality of congregations of women religious in Africa by supporting a sister’s ASEC-sponsored education now.

Sisters Sustaining Sisters: Bring Vitality to Communities of Women Religious in Africa

Aug 3, 2020: [Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia] success Congregations of Catholic sisters in Africa are being strengthened from within through ASEC programs.

Grant Provides African Communities with Food and Sanitation Supplies during COVID-19

Grant Provides African Communities with Food and Sanitation Supplies during COVID-19

Jul 28, 2020: [Cameroon, Kenya, USA] general An SHCJ/ASEC joint effort provides financial support to African sisters responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and serving the poor and vulnerable in their communities.

A successful grant proposal by ASEC staff member Sr. Teresa Mulenga, TS, provides members of 5 HIV/AIDS support groups in Malawi with sanitation materials like tap buckets and soap. The members were also taught proper hand-washing techniques to keep them healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Catholic Sisters Serve Africa's Most Vulnerable During Global Pandemic

Jul 27, 2020: [Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria] general Sisters from ASEC's programs are finding new and innovative ways to serve the poor and vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sr. Josemaria uses the collaboration, mentorship and grant writing skills she learned in SLDI in diverse ways. Obtaining grant funding for an ambulance, x-ray machine and ultrasound machine are just a few ways she's giving back.

Nigerian Nun's Grant Writing Skills Help Thousands in Need

Jul 24, 2020: [Nigeria] success Sr. Josemaria is using her SLDI education to improve healthcare services and strengthen the resource mobilization skills of several congregations in Nigeria.

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