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Armed with an education and technology training, Catholic sisters are unleashing their creativity across sub-Saharan Africa to implement innovative and creative solutions to real world problems. Pictured above, sisters Odette and Cecilia explore technology on a cell phone.

A Sister’s Seed of Imagination Grows a Field of Hope

Oct 4, 2021: [Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia] success Catholic sisters in Africa are using their education to dream up creative human development projects that help their local communities.

Sr. Lucy proves that with an education you can achieve absolutely anything you dream of. She's using what she's learned to reach out to those in need. Here, she's leading the

Blessed, Empowered and Happy: How Education Has Helped Fuel a Nun’s Life Work

Sep 13, 2021: [Kenya] success For Sr. Lucy, education has been the key to realizing the vision she had and fulling the mission of her Kenyan community.

In June, 2018, ASEC staff also toured the Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) farm where the sisters grow food and keep animals, like these pigs. An SLDI alumna, Sr. Mary Lilian Baitwakakye, was able to secure funding to begin a dairy farm, which supports both the congregation and the Boni Consilii Girls Vocational Secondary school.

Investing in Africa’s Small Farms Yields Big Outcomes

Sep 6, 2021: [Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia] success Catholic sisters in Africa are using crop and animal farming to sustainably support their local communities.

ARCH serves individuals of all ages who are dealing with orthopedic and neurological problems. Children come to ARCH with paralyzed arms (caused by nerve damage due to childbirth), bow legs, knocked knees, club feet and other congenital conditions. Cerebral palsy is also very common. Adults are treated for conditions such as backaches, strokes, post-accident traumas, burns and more.

The Key To Success is Doing Ordinary Things Extraordinarily Well

Aug 30, 2021: [Cameroon] success Sr. Leonarda has incorporated what she’s learned about leadership, finances and accountability into her ministry work to better serve the disabled and marginalized.

This Assumption Sisters dairy farming project at Thika Farms is directed by SLDI alumna Sr. Susan Wanjiru. Fifteen cows produce 15 liters of milk per day and the manure used to add nutrients into the soil.

A Sustainable Farm Run by Catholic Nuns Reducing Food Insecurity in Rural Kenya

Aug 9, 2021: [Kenya] success Sr. Susan is using her education to feed her community through a successful, sustainable farm in rural Kenya.

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