ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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Sr. Veronica addressing beneficiaries on economic empowerment.

Preventing HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Through Economic Empowerment

Jul 31, 2018: [Nigeria] Sr. Veronica, a humanitarian aid worker, has trained over 250 beneficiaries, providing opportunities through her economic empowerment program, as a means to prevent more cases of HIV/AIDS.

SLDI participant Sr. Vera Ndifoin prepares to give a motivational speech to 100 women and children.

Participants of SLDI Workshops Discuss Their Achievements

Jul 26, 2018: [Cameroon, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia] Several participants of SLDI workshops are using their education to help their congregations and communities.

SLDI alumna Sr. Grace Akpan, MMM administers malaria medicine to a patient at the St. Kizito Integrated Health Centre in Lilongwe, Malawi. From January-March 2018, the clinic recorded over 700 confirmed cases of malaria.

Fighting Malaria in Malawi One Child at a Time

Jul 16, 2018: [Malawi] As malaria continues to be a leading cause of death in African countries, Sr. Grace Akpan of Malawi spends her time helping those infected.

ASEC Programs Coordinators Sr. Teresa Mulenga, Malawi and Sr. Juliana Chibaula Zulu, Zambia brainstorming together at the Partners Workshop.

Partners Workshops held to plan the next phase of SLDI program

Jul 5, 2018: [Ghana, Kenya] Partners Workshops held in Kenya and Ghana bring together SLDI stakeholders to discuss the future of the SLDI program.

SLDI participants in Nigeria walking through Pastor Usman's

Learning ways to address poverty in Africa through field trips

Jun 26, 2018: [Nigeria, Zambia] SLDI participants take field trips to see real-world examples of how others are solving issues related to poverty in Africa, like lack of education and unemployment.

The balance of schoolwork and recreational activities at Kenya children's home, Kwetu Home of Peace, keeps the boys happy and eager to learn. So while they learn subjects like English, they can still participate in some of their favorite activities, including gymnastics and singing.

Help & Hope for Homeless Boys in Kenya (The Story of Kwetu Home)

Jun 12, 2018: [Kenya] Sr. Felistas combs the slums of Nairobi, Kenya in search of poor, orphaned street boys in need of a home.

Students of agriculture work in the tomato garden with their teacher. Students learn to weed, thin and harvest crops such as tomatoes, maize, sweet potatoes, cabbages and eggplants.

Holistic Education for Girls in Uganda

Jun 7, 2018: [Uganda] With leadership skills learned in SLDI & HESA, Sr. Petronilla is providing quality, holistic education to girls in Northern Uganda.

To ensure health and wellness for all, we all have to take action. That's why so many of ASEC alumnae projects focus on SDG 3: Good health and well-being.

Saving the World Through Health and Wellness (SDG3)

May 31, 2018: [Cameroon, Nigeria] While saving the world may seem like an impossible feat to some people, religious sisters across Africa are taking on projects that promote good health and wellness. Through SLDI alumnae projects, approximately $4.6 million in contributions have been made to sustainable development goal 3, which promotes health and wellness.

Sr. Theresia and the Sisters of Charity are dedicated to the overall well-being of their old age residents and the communities they serve.

A Home for the Elderly to Reflect on Life's Journey

May 5, 2018: [Lesotho] Although she was excited to begin work with the elderly at Elizabeth Bruyere Old Age Home in Lesotho, Sr. Theresia noticed her lack of education proved to be a barrier in her service.

In this displaced village in Cameroon, the struggling villagers collect much-needed supplies from the sisters of the socio-cultural Commission.

A Place For the Displaced to Call Home

May 1, 2018: [Cameroon] Sr. Veronica is using the skills she learned from the SLDI program to turn one village's reality into a possibility.

Students and sisters planting pine trees together.

Planting a successful future

Apr 26, 2018: [Zambia] Sr. Clementine Phiri uses her experience with the SLDI program to help spread the word about caring for the environment.

Extreme overcrowding causes unsanitary conditions for inmates in Cameroonian prisons.

Offering Second Chances to Prisoners in Cameroon

Apr 20, 2018: [Cameroon] Sr. Gwen has made it her mission in life to ensure that inmates in Cameroonian prisons are given second chances.

Sr. Cecilia and other ASEC participants from Zambia graduating from the SLDI Program, Finance Track (December, 2015).

Improving the capacity of African sisters in managing financial resources

Apr 13, 2018: [Zambia] The finance and resource mobilization skills learned in the SLDI program has enabled Sr. Cecilia to secure funding for a finance workshop that attracted 45 sisters from over 20 congregations.

During the SLDI Finance workshop session in Zambia sisters learned how to prepare a balance sheet.

African Sisters Benefit from Finance Workshops

Mar 22, 2018: [Tanzania, Zambia] Two sisters share how the SLDI finance workshops have helped them personally and their ministries.

Sr. Clare rejoicing after she received her laptop from the generous donors of the ASEC-SLDI program (2012).

The SLDI program has made me a “Jack of all trades”

Feb 28, 2018: [Nigeria] The SLDI program has given Sr. Clare skills, knowledge, enlightenment and technical know-how, making her a “Jack of all trades" and an invaluable member of her congregation.

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