Group discussion, SLDI alumnae Nigeria.
Alumnae meetings are a central component of SLDI. In 2015, three-day alumnae-mentee networking workshops took place in six countries with
408 participants, 273 alumnae and 135 mentees. One component of the SLDI program, which will be covered in greater detail the Sisters’ Voices section of this newsletter, is the mentoring program. Sisters who graduate from SLDI are expected to mentor at least 3 other sisters or colleagues. 2015, was the first time mentees were engaged in such a workshop. Sisters have gone facilitated workshops in their communities with their congregations and local groups.
The focus of the 2015 networking workshop was Global Mentoring: Fostering Mentorship in Women Religious, and Grant Writing and Fundraising Skills. In Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, alumnae and mentees presented posters showcasing their projects and the impact of their projects. Attendees in Nigeria visited a successful alumna ministry project that serves underprivileged individuals at Ontisha. Both alumnae and mentees praised the workshop as an opportunity to connect, to network, and to learn new skills.
SLDI Alumnae from various congregations are joining together to working collaboratively to meet the needs in their communities, even forming alumnae associations. For example, in Zambia, alumnae initiated an ASEC-SLDI sweatshirt project featuring the ASEC logo to raise funds for an SLDI alumnae association. In Ghana, alumnae are collaboratively working with the major superiors to educate girls on the dangers
of migrating to the cities with a project titled, Eradicating Girl-Child Migration from the Three Northern Regions to Kumasi and Accra to Work
as Sex Workers, “Kayayo.”