2016 Bigwa Scholarship Recipients tell their stories

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

2016 Form V Bigwa Sisters School scholarship applicants.

Read these short stories from 2016 Scholarship Program applicants from Bigwa Sisters School.

2016 Form V Bigwa Sisters School applicants in Tanzania. Almost all of the women have an interest in bettering their education. Many want to become a teacher and give back to their society and congregation, along with spreading their knowledge to others. Each one appreciates the school for teaching them religious and academic skills that they can later share with others.  Almost all of the women in the program are Sisters who are older than the normal high school age, save for two young girls. However all of them are bright, dedicated, and spiritual women who are happy with their program.

Standout Stories from Bigwa Scholarship Applicants

Sr. Ghislaine UwitozeSr. Ghislaine Uwitoze

Once I finish school, I want to serve the Lord through my congregation and the Church by helping people in different sectors which will be available. I am pursuing higher education to be well educated and be available to work with people of different education. I also will be able to share my ideas with other intellectual persons. Currently I am a religious student here at Bigwa and I am continuing well with my studies. Since Bigwa School is for sisters and provides both normal and spiritual education, I applied here hoping to finish with a high performance.

Winifrida John RutaisileWinifrida John Rutaisile (young girl)

After I finish school, I would like to continue to study University level education so I can achieve my goals. I would like to be a teacher of higher level, teaching art subjects. But I would also like to be a business woman who can apply my skills to educate other people in the community. Being at higher education is my wish in life. I want to increase my knowledge and skill academically and bring respect into my community. Higher level education helps to determine future goals, especially to help know what you want to be in life. Higher education will help me know my position and who I will be in life. My current situation at Bigwa is to be a responsible student. I work very hard to pass my classes and get good grades. Bigwa has helped me through prayer, working hard, and studying hard.

Jacquiline SevelineJacquiline Seveline

After finishing my studies here at Bigwa Sisters School, I want to be a teacher for the purpose of educating others to aware that they can get good education and not be illiterate. I personally want to learn more through materials and eventually go to University. Higher education will enable me to get a higher capacity of knowledge and more confidence compared to my O-levels. At Bigwa, we are on a good time table. We pray to God every day and I like it very much because God is the one helping me in my daily life. At our school we have headmistresses and teachers that are teaching us well and advising us in order to get good performance.

Be a Ray of Hope

Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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