Team Building- 2024 SLDI Partners Workshop in Tanzania

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Participating facilitators learn the impact of the SLDI program from SLDI alumnae.

Networking, team building, and relationship building activities led to a successful 2024 SLDI Partners Workshop.

The 2024 SLDI Partners Workshop was a wonderful opportunity to collect feedback from workshop facilitators and assess needs in preparation for SLDI Phase VII, which is anticipated to start in April 2025. Data collected at the workshop will be used to improve the SLDI curriculum and update its content to reflect common challenges that sisters are facing in today's society. Facilitators were able to share best practices with one another, as well as network and develop relationships that will assist them in better serving SLDI participants going forward. Facilitators were also exposed to the immense impact of the SLDI program when SLDI alumnae and the people who are beneficiaries of their ministries shared their stories, in person, with workshop attendees.

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SLDI Partners Workshop participants complete an obstacle course blindfolded as a team-building exercise.

SLDI Partners Workshop participants complete an obstacle course blindfolded as a team-building exercise.

“The greatest moment of the SLDI Partners Workshop took place during the team building day, specifically the blind obstacle course where we each had partnered up to go through an obstacle course blindfolded. This experience taught me so much about myself and leadership. Through this experience, I learned the best leaders are those who have first-hand knowledge of ‘walking the path’ and that mutual trust is the foundation of successful teamwork. I will cherish this experience and all it taught me.” -Nicole DiPietro, ASEC Program Manager

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Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
Tara Lopatofsky, PhD, CCLS

Tara Lopatofsky, PhD, CCLS
Senior Program Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation  

Nicole Vilogi-DiPietro, MBA

Nicole Vilogi-DiPietro, MBA
Program Manager, Programs  

Megan P. Wescott, BBA

Megan P. Wescott, BBA
Digital & Social Media Specialist, Mission Advancement  

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