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Take the Journey, Walk the Same Path - A GSR Article

Take the Journey, Walk the Same Path - A GSR Article

Jul 14, 2014: [none] general You never know where that “yes” will lead you, and who you will meet along the way. Sr. Jane Wakahiu has served in various capacities and countries, and have encountered the numerous cultural, social and economic challenges that women have to endure in Africa (from Global Sisters Report).

Administration Course I - Kenya

Administration Course I - Kenya

Jul 14, 2014: [Kenya] sldi The SLDI Administration I course ran from May 5, 2014 to May 30, 2014. The course was offered at the Tumaini Center/ChemChemi.

ASEC Signs a Framework of Reference (FOR) with Catholic University College of Ghana

ASEC Signs a Framework of Reference (FOR) with Catholic University College of Ghana

Jul 11, 2014: [none] hesa ASEC signed a FOR with Catholic University of Ghana (CUCG) to affirm its participation in the HESA program, July 11, 2014.

Q & A with Sr. Mary Germina Keneema

Q & A with Sr. Mary Germina Keneema

Jul 8, 2014: [none] reflections Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, executive secretary for the Social Communications Commission of the Archdiocese of Mbarara in southwestern Uganda and the assistant coordinator of the leadership program in Uganda through the African Sisters Education Collaborative discusses her work in this Global Sisters Report Article.

Challenges to sisters' education in the Global South

Challenges to sisters' education in the Global South

Jun 30, 2014: [none] general Higher education for women in the Global South is discussed. Online education is mentioned as the most realistic way to educate sisters, yet there are still challenges to meet with that means of communication. ASEC's Executive Directior Sr. Jane Wakaihu, LSOSF was quoted within. From Global Sisters Report

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