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Life has transformed in shops, farms and workshops since students joined the workforce early.

The positive impact of school boycotts for the youth of Cameroon

Aug 15, 2017: [Cameroon] current Because of the school strike in Cameroon, many students have entered the workforce at an early age. This has had both positive and negative impacts on the the trade and fashion industries. One thing is for sure, things will never be the same because of it.

Sr. Consolata serves very demanding ministry of finance/accounting, but always keeps a warmth and joy about her. In her later years of life, she may consider pursuing project management as a career because of how much she enjoys proposal writing.

The Gift of Proposal Writing Skills Keeps on Giving

Aug 10, 2017: [Kenya] success Sr. Consolata is addressing urgent needs in local hospitals, schools, orphanages and disabled homes with her proposal writing skills. She has written over 60 project proposals, 75% of of which have been successful!

Fighting corruption: a prophetic role of women religious in Malawi

Aug 8, 2017: [Malawi] reflections Sr. Teresa reflects on a recent SLDI finance workshop, explaining how skills gained through ASEC programs are a positive step towards fighting corruption in Malawi and other parts of Africa.

HESA students pose for a group photo before graduation ceremonies at Tangaza University in Nairobi, Kenya.

Sr. Mary receives her diploma in Leadership and Resource Management through the HESA program

Aug 3, 2017: [Kenya] hesa After receiving her diploma through the HESA program, Sr. Mary has more confidence and hopes to continue her education to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Using the skills she learned in the SLDI program, Sr. Vera held a workshop on time management, stewardship and accountability and customer service.

Using SLDI skills to improve my ministry and mentor others

Aug 1, 2017: [Cameroon] reflections Sr. Vera used the skills learned in the SLDI program to improve her ministry. She also held a workshop on time management, stewardship and accountability and customer service.

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