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Sr. Faith Kamau and her group of children after playing sports at Nyumbani Village.

A Village for Orphans in Kenya (The Story of Nyumbani Village)

Sep 12, 2018: [Kenya] success Sr. Faith Kamau, HESA student, is using her education to help the children and residents of the Nyumbani Village orphanage.

Agnes now volunteers with Sr. Sonia at the Ganya Health Center to help other youth living with an HIV positive diagnosis see that there is life and hope for them.

HIV+ Youth in Malawi Learn To Live with Hope

Sep 5, 2018: [Malawi] success The story of Agnes, a young girl who was unaware she was HIV positive until the death of her mother and father. Agnes joined Sr. Sonia's support group where she learned how to deal with the stigma and challenges facing Malawian youth living with HIV.

142 students of Ntcheu Roman Catholic Primary School, Malawi, are planting trees in Africa.

Primary school students planting trees in Africa

Aug 28, 2018: [Malawi] reflections Sr. Bertha teaches nearly 150 primary school students in Ntcheu, Malawi how to plant and care for trees and protect our precious environment.

Sr. Joan Chisala, CSJB, of Zambia, is the third African sister to be awarded a six-month fellowship to work as part of a research team at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

3rd Visiting Scholar Selected for CARA Research Fellowship

Aug 21, 2018: [Zambia, USA] research Sr. Joan Chisala, CSJB, of Zambia is the third sister scholar accepted for a six month research fellowship to learn applied research skills in the apostolate at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), Georgetown University.

The Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) through the lens of ASEC programs.

Faith and Development: A Celebration of ARU at 50

Aug 14, 2018: [Uganda] reflections ASEC Executive Director reflects on our partnership with the Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) in celebration of ARU's golden jubilee.

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