ASEC: Our Team
Sr. Adelaide Ndilu
SLDI Administration Track Participant - KenyaAdelaide Ndilu, a Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary religious institute, is a radio producer and an-on-air presenter. She professionally produces and presents feature stories and holds interviews on social justice and church matters for Radio Waumini. In a society where the gap between the poor and the rich continues to broaden, she delights in being voice of the voiceless. Her prior experience includes:
- teaching in a vocational school in Nigeria
- secretary of St. Luke’s School of Nursing, in North Kinangop Kenya
- secretary to the Archbishop Emeritus of Mombasa.
After completing a degree in mass communications at St. Augustine University of Tanzania in 2010, Ndilu joined the staff of Radio Waumini, a Catholic radio station, where she worked earlier as program manager and an on-air presenter.
Although a journalist by trade, Sr. Adelaide was appointed by her congregation to lead 22 staff as a Human Resource Manager and used the SLDI Administration training to step up to this new challenge.