Stories from the ground

Sr. Susan is project director of a 70-acre farm.

Sr. Susan is project director of a 70-acre farm.

The project demonstrates sustainable ecofriendly farming leading to food security in the region.

Sister Susan Wanjiru, demonstrates the use of drip irrigation to produce vegetables – carrots, corn, banana plants, and tomatoes at the Thika Farm (photo courtesy – Professor Donald Miller, USC).

Assumption Sister Susan Njoroge is the congregational project director of a 70 acre farm located 45 miles northeast of Nairobi. The project demonstrates sustainable ecofriendly farming leading to food security in the region. Both perennial and perishable food crops are grown at the farm, including coffee, which brings in an annual income of Ksh 600,000 ($7,317). Additionally, a dairy farming project consisting of 12 daily cows creates high milk production of 15 liters per cow per day. Milk is supplied to local schools, convents, and to the local communities. A piggery project consisting 80 pigs, and a fish pond project yields thousands of tilapia each season.

r. Catherine Owormungu shows off lettuce from the greenhouse farming project – increased food production to feed children in their schools.

Sr. Catherine Owormungu shows off lettuce from the greenhouse farming project – increased food production to feed children in their schools.

In addition to producing food the project serves as a demonstration center used by agricultural extension officers to train community members on farming methods; including horticultural farming which using drip irrigation to produce cabbages, pepper, onions, kale, chili, carrots and bananas. Produce is used not only by the sisters but also the community and institutions run by the Sisters including, schools, and rehabilitation centers – an estimated 2,800 people benefit from the farm’s produce. Moreover, the project provides employment to 70 people. While there is water scarcity in the region, Susan is using a dam and drip irrigation to farm the land. All year round, the farm’s produce is plentiful.

This project is directly addressing UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

End poverty in all its forms everywhere End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Sustainable Cities and Communities Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Sr. Susan Wanjiru Sr. Susan Wanjiru

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