Marywood University Partners with Kisubi Brothers University College to Educate Catholic Sisters

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Prof. John Ssbuwufu, Principal Kisbubi Brothers University College signs the MOU. Looking on is Sr. Margaret Kubanze, LSOSF, AU, Secretary General, Uganda.

Marywood University president, Sister Anne Munley, IHM and Professor John Ssebufu signed a memorandum of understanding with a goal to provide education for the Catholic Sisters in Uganda.

On June 11, 2014, Marywood University president, Sister Anne Munley, IHM and Professor John Ssebufu signed a memorandum of understanding with a goal to provide education for the Catholic Sisters in Uganda. Using the Blue Jeans conference call, both Sr. Anne and Prof. Ssebufu talked about the new partnership and their institution’s commitment towards providing quality education. It was an extraordinary opportunity given that MOU was signed via virtual means. This is a method that the sisters will learn to use that will enable them to engage with Marywood Univertsity faculty. This is only the beginning of greater things to come.

Marywood University enters into partnership with the Kisubi Brothers University College, Uganda



Above: Standing - Dr. Maria Montoro –Edwards, Assistant Vice President for Research and Sister Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF, ASEC, Executive Director Sitting - Dr. Alan Levin,  Vice President for Academic Affairs and Marywood University president, Sister Anne Munley, IHM


Above: From left to right - Dr. Alan Levin, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Marywood University president, Sister Anne Munley, IHM, Dr. Maria Montoro –Edwards, Assistant Vice President for Research and Sister Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF, ASEC, Executive Director


Above: Prof. John Ssbuwufu, faculty from KBU, Sr. Margaret Kubanze and Sr. Germina Keneema, after the signing of the MOU.

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