ASEC News & Reflections

ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.

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ASEC Sisters in 10 different countries of Africa are carrying out community projects to care for their communities and the earth

Caring for Earth, Caring for You: Catholic Sisters Week 2022

Mar 14, 2022: [Malawi, Zambia] Although celebrating the work of Catholic sisters is important every day, for one week each year we have a formal celebration – Catholic Sisters Week.

Sr. Victorine soon after landing in Washington, D.C., in January 2022.

8th Visiting Scholar Selected for CARA Research Fellowship

Mar 7, 2022: [Ghana] Sr. Victorine Atsufui Afi Dorkenoo of the Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church (SMMC), from Ghana, has been selected as the 8th CARA-ASEC Visiting Scholar.

52 weeks a year women religious stand with the poor and immigrants, teach children, fight injustice, heal the sick, share spirituality, empower women, defend the planet, promote peace, create community and offer hope. But for one week each year in March, we shine the spotlight on women religious during Catholic Sisters Week. Above, sisters celebrate the graduation of HESA participants from ASEC partner university, St. Augustine University College (SAUT), in Mwanza, Tanzania.

An ASEC Perspective: The Importance of Catholic Sisters Week

Feb 26, 2021: [USA] ASEC Executive Director reflects on Catholic Sisters Week, ASEC's collaborative partnerships and the importance of celebrating Catholic sisters' tradition of service.

ASEC Program Director Sr. Juliana Zulu, RGS, shows the love and care of a sister to a little girl in Zambia.

COVID-19 Impact in Africa - ASEC Stakeholder Engagement Report

Aug 24, 2020: [USA] This impact study aims to understand ASEC stakeholders’ experiences and coping mechanisms during the COVID-19 pandemic so we can provide proactive response to their needs.

Grant Provides African Communities with Food and Sanitation Supplies during COVID-19

Grant Provides African Communities with Food and Sanitation Supplies during COVID-19

Jul 28, 2020: [Cameroon, Kenya, USA] An SHCJ/ASEC joint effort provides financial support to African sisters responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and serving the poor and vulnerable in their communities.

A successful grant proposal by ASEC staff member Sr. Teresa Mulenga, TS, provides members of 5 HIV/AIDS support groups in Malawi with sanitation materials like tap buckets and soap. The members were also taught proper hand-washing techniques to keep them healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Catholic Sisters Serve Africa's Most Vulnerable During Global Pandemic

Jul 27, 2020: [Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria] Sisters from ASEC's programs are finding new and innovative ways to serve the poor and vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.

St. Katharine Drexel, the Philadelphia heiress worked to help the minority population in the USA, founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and sought to share profundity of the Cross of Christ in joy.

What Do Nuns Do? 10 Contributions of Catholic Nuns in US History

Oct 3, 2019: [USA] Throughout the years, Catholic nuns have had a significant impact on building the foundations of America as we know it. Here are some facts about Catholic nuns in US history that you may not know!

The Pope asks what are we ourselves can do to preserve the biodiversity of our common home: earth.

The more the variety, the better the society

May 22, 2018: [Cameroon] Celebrating 25 years of action for biological diversity, Sr. Vera asks what each of us can do to preserve the biodiversity of our common home: earth.

In Cameroon, there are more than 240 cultural groups (tribes), each with its own national language.

The need for Cultural Diversity dialogue in Cameroon, Africa

May 21, 2018: [Cameroon] Sr. Vera reflects on how we can better understand cultural diversity in Africa and how each individual culture can be beneficial to the country as a whole.

The effects of climate change in Nigeria

The effects of climate change in Nigeria

Apr 24, 2018: [Nigeria] Sr. Elizabeth discusses how climate change in Nigeria is dramatically altering the way Nigerians will live now and in the future.

Bishop Eusebius Nzigirwa, the Auxiliary bishop of Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam, blessed the religious before the procession to mass began.

World Day for Consecrated Life

Mar 20, 2018: [Tanzania] Nuns and priests of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania celebrated World Day for Consecrated Life to highlight the roles of consecrated individuals in Tanzania over the last 150 years ago.

Photos from the closing of the Marian year celebrations in Anambra State Nigeria (October 28, 2017).

Closing of the Marian Year Celebrations in Anambra State, Nigeria

Dec 19, 2017: [Nigeria] On October 28, 2017, the Catholic archdiocese of Onitsha in Anambra State, Nigeria had the closing of Marian year.

ARU launching of 50 years celebration of Bishops and religious men and women (November 8, 2017).

ARU Golden Jubilee Celebrations Launched

Dec 15, 2017: [Uganda] The year-long Golden Jubilee celebration of the Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) was launched on November 8, 2017 at ARU Secretariat.

Simple prayers to share for the fall / autumn.

Four Simple Autumn Prayers

Oct 19, 2017: [USA] Since this is such an incredibly beautiful time of year at ASEC headquarters, we wanted to share some simple seasonal prayers for autumn.

The involvement of religious in social activities help to influence vocations and empower youth in becoming strong leaders of tomorrow.

Developing nations on the shoulders of youth

Aug 16, 2017: [Tanzania] In commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the founding of Corpus Christi parish (Mwili na Damu Azizi ya Yesu) in Morogoro, Tanzania, the church hosted an International Youth Day celebration in conjunction with the International Youth Day held annually throughout the world on August 12.

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