Nun Provides Healthcare Services in a Place Where Doctors Shun to Go

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Since Sr. Anastasia received her Bachelor’s of Clinical Science via ASEC's Scholarship program, she's been serving in a rural place providing professional healthcare to patients who otherwise would not have access to treatment.

Sr. Anastasia provides obstetric, gynecological and surgical treatment to patients who would otherwise have limited to no access to medical care.

A lack of qualified medical professionals, especially in rural areas, greatly limits access to quality healthcare services in Zambia. Increasing the number of appropriately trained medical 9 professionals in all countries is a specific target under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 ⎼ Good Health and Well-Being . Zambia operates under the World 10 Health Organization (WHO)’s minimum threshold of doctors, nurses, and midwives (22.8 per 10,000 persons), with only 11.2 medical professionals per 10,000 people. Shortages remain the highest in rural areas, where attraction and retention rates continue to be a problem.

Sr. Anastasia M. Kalingeme, Sisters of Mercy (SOM), endeavors to assist in filling the healthcare professional gap by providing quality healthcare services in her rural Zambian community.

With the support of ASEC’s Two-Year Scholarship Program, Sr. Anastasia attended the Chainama College of Health Science and earned her Bachelor’s of Clinical Science in June 2018. Since that time, Sr. Anastasia reports that she has been serving “in a rural place, where doctors shun to go and work” and that the training she received has equipped her with the skills to perform surgical procedures.  

Sr. Anastasia provides obstetric, gynecological, and surgical treatment to patients who would otherwise have limited to no access to medical care.

Of the education she received, Sr. Anastasia writes that she has been able to, “acquire skills that will last forever in serving life in communities where I live and serve.”  

evidence that the education of sisters such as Sr. Anastasia, who serve the marginalized and most vulnerable populations, promises to assist in increasing good health and well-being for all. Sr. Anastasia is dedicated to her patients and says, Sr. Anastasia is dedicated to her patients and says,

“I find happiness in doing my service and satisfied when I see my patients well and discharged from hospital back to their homes.”

Sponsor skilled nurses for the people of Zambia

When you donate to ASEC's Scholarship Program you can provide tuition to a Sister in Africa, just like Sr. Anastasia, so she can receive the credentials needed to care for the sick.

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This article is addressing the following UN Sustainable Development Goal(s):

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Sr. Anastasia M. Kalingeme, SOM

Sr. Anastasia M. Kalingeme, SOM
Profiled in article
Scholarship Recipient - Zambia  

Tara Lopatofsky, PhD, CCLS

Tara Lopatofsky, PhD, CCLS
Senior Program Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation  

Amy Fedele

Amy Fedele
Former ASEC Media & Communications Manager - USA  

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